05 May 2015

Our Week Ahead ~ Monday 4th May 2105

As our autumnal weather looks set to give way to the early, unwanted!!, onset of winter we're indoors more during the day, and so academic schooling life gets busier. Over the next few months, God willing, we're hoping to make a hefty dent in our learning goals for this year.  It'll be interesting to see how that plays out

With this week ahead post, I'll only include the newer items we'll be reading through, or using this week, as we're still tying up some unfinished work from last week.

·       Bible
All: II Timothy 

·       History and Geography
Biblioplan Ch 13:  China; The Covenanters
pgs 319-325 (we’re skipping the portions on China and will only be focusing on Scotland and the Covenanters)

·       Family
1:  Read Aloud:
(1643-1727)  Isaac Newton ~ Tiner
2:  Car time audio:  The Dairy of Samuel Pepys: BBC Dramatisation   Content issues.  We ended up dropping this as the content issues just got worse .
3:  Book Basket:
  • Trial and Triumph Ch.28  Cameron 1644-80,  Ch.29  Martyrs 1622-85
  • Christian Men of Science ~ Mulfinger: Boyle 1627-1691
  • King Alfred’s English ~ White  continue
  • The New Oxford Book of Children’s Verse ~Philip  (from Henry Wordsworth Longfellow onwards)
·       Daisy ~ History, Literature & Book Basket:
2:  History Reading: 
 (1692) MadeleineTakes Command ~ Brill SL7
6:  Audio’s:
Lorna Doone ~ R.D. Blackmore  (England. Monmouth’s Rebellion) 1673-87 (listen to and discuss with mum)  (see our review in this post)

·       Jay ~ History, Literature & Book Basket:
1: Book Basket:
 1665)  A Parcel of Patterns ~ Walsh SL
(Jay will finish A Parcel of Patterns on his own; we found this book is better read alone as opposed to being used as a read aloud.  There are content & sensitivity issues, for our family, in this book so I don't want Daisy reading this book alone just yet.)

2: History Reading: 
MOH vol 3, Lesson 73,  The Scottish Covenanters
3:  Audio: 
Lorna Doone ~ R.D. Blackmore   (England. Monmouth’s Rebellion) 1673-87 (listen to and discuss with mum)

·       English
1:  Essentials in Writing, Level 8:  Lesson 9 +

1:  Greenleaf Guide Yr 3 Lit (1550-1900)  ~ Shearer
Lesson 8:  Milton (1608-1674) complete before starting
Lesson 9:  Andrew Marvell (1621-1672)

We'll also be taking a (review mostly) watch through the BBC History of Scotland series, which starts with this documentary (only part 1 is available online :/  ):

More on the Scottish Covenanter's History: Scroll down to 1637+  (reading only, none of the clips play)

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