22 March 2010

Middle Ages Notebook Pages , Lapnotes and Colour in Sheets

Middle Ages Notebook Pages , Lapnotes and Colour in Sheets

We've just flicked some pages together to use for our study this week (yay, so happy to be, finally, studying this portion of history) of The Middle Ages (Medieval Times) alongside;
The Magic Treehouse Research Guide #2 ~ Knights and Castles,
The Making of A Knight By Patrick O'Brien
A Medieval Feast By Aliki,
A page or two out of DK Eyewitness Knight,
and, Usborne Internet-Linked Encyclopedia of World History.

{update: also take a look through our free pages for extra notebooking pages we've made}

I'm not sure, due to copywrite on 1 or 2 of the pictures, if we can share all these  - here  and here are the pages that we can.
Two of the lapfolds, in the second photo below, can be found at homeschoolshare.
Pages to study and label ~ A Castle and A Knight's Armour
Lapnote and lapbook folds detailing a Knight's Code of Honour, How to Become a Knight, How to Treat a Lady, and, Samuari Colour pages.
Medieval Colour Pages, Notebook Pages and an Art Page 

ETA: Why is it that after we've finished a study I stumble back across a great site like this one ... with most of the pages, I thought we might need, already done :-)

Most of the notebooking pages the children completed.


Megan said...

Great collection of worksheets to enrich our Middle Ages study. Thanks so much!

Chelle said...

you're very welcome Megan. Enjoy your M.A study!!

Donna Long said...

Chelle, so glad I found your site. I teach in a public school and will be doing a Medieval Times unit with my Gifted and Talented elementary students next year. I want to have them do some notebooking and am looking for pages to use. I love that I found yours, but was wondering if you could tell me what site the link was to that you said had a lot of them already done but you only found it afterward. The link no longer works because apparently they have moved the site. If you knew the name of it, maybe I could find it. Thanks for your help. --Donna

Chelle said...

Hi Donna, that's amazing that this post is still being accessed 7 years later: The site I linked to is, sadly, no more - it was a Squidoo lens called Medieval Quest.
Hope that helps in some way.
I do know that this site
has a wonderful Middle Ages Project to pick and choose printables from ... it may be way more than you're wanting: and, it's not free.
All the best as you search for what will work for you students.
Smiles, Chelle