Curricula 2016 ~ Modern Times

Adjusting as we journey along.  
Choices selected for:  Jay 16, and, Daisy 14
Books detailed on this page are listed and linked in this post.

Bible - Together
The KJV Bible
Book of Luke, Book of Revelation (study with Dn)

Life Study Books - Both:
Smart Kids, Smart Money ~ Ramsey, Cruze
Life Study Books - Daisy:
Do Hard Things ~ Harris & Harris (complete)
Life Study Books - Jay:
Outliers: The Story of Success ~ Malcolm Gladwell

Bible Time Hymns and Memorisation
Then Sings My Soul BK 2 ~ Morgan (Select songs)
Various Bible Verses

Bible - Inspirational Stories
Biographies/books about select church leaders (1850AD to today)

Bible - Church History
Biblioplan Modern Times Companion Text (condensed)
Other Church History books (various)

History and Geography:
World History 
Modern Times 1850AD to today
New Zealand History Focus

(History) Geography
Biblioplan Mapping for Modern Times
Online tools

Modern Times Literature Book List   includes living history books, classic literature, poetry, drama, biographies, and etc...


English - Daisy
All About Spelling   NZ Supplier ~ Engaging Minds
Word Up! The Vocab Show ( complete in term 1)
Essentials In Writing
Rod and Staff (English books, just for the grammar)
Nanowrimo  student sheets (term 1 only)
Journal Writing (delight led and in her own time)

Modern Literature, and Other,  Guides - Daisy: 
1:  Essentials in Literature 
2:  Greenleaf's Guide yr 4 ~ Shearer (Huckleberry Finn & a selection from the poets & their poetry) We only used the portion for Huckleberry Finn
3:  The Great Courses: C.S. Lewis   (The Screwtape Letters & Narnia :-) )

English - Jay
NZ Based English Course (4 days a week)
Essentials in Writing (selections, only using this 1 day a week)
Visual Latin  (?)

Early Modern Literature Guides - Jay:
1:  Greenleaf’'s yr 4 Literature Guide: 20th Century Literature ~Shearer   (selections from the lulu partial download)   still deciding about this, Decided no, he has enough on his plate
2:  Highschool English Guides (various)
3:  The Great Courses: C.S. Lewis   (Mere Christianity)

Math - Daisy 
CTC Math
Math based literature and biographies
Real Life Math Application

Math - Jay
NZ Based Maths Course (4 days a week)
IXL   (1 day a week)
Real Life Math Application

Business Studies
NZ Based Business Studies Course (3 days a week)
Economics for Everyone   (2 days a week)  dropped.  Not us.
Other Economics, Business, and Investment studies (Jay with Dn)
Delight led farming/live stock business study (Both with Dn)

Science - Both:
Interest led nature study, books, and DvD's

Science  - Daisy
1: Physics 101 ~ Wes Olsen
2: Delight Led Animal Husbandry Course

Science - Jay
1: Physics 
2: Delight Led Animal Husbandry Course

Art Instruction (for Daisy)
Photography (nature study) - Both

Random items of interest (composers, hymnists).
Music lessons - Both

Other Languages:
Rosetta French    

The Art of Argument (Both)   complete
Chess (Jay)

Keyboard Skills (inside each subject)
Carpentry and Farming Skills (Jay and Dn)
Driving Course (Jay)
Home Economics (Interest led)
Crafts (delight led)

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