Daisy has decided she rather not complete work inside any text driven agricultural science courses; as she can learn so much more 'in the field' via a farming associate, and working with Dn on our own acreage.
We're really going to switch Essentials in Literature 9 around to make it a complimentary tool to NCEA writing requirements. We'll certainly be trimming some of the time dedicated to The Hobbit too. I'm wanting to include practise for reading responses , writing across the texts, and an NZ schooling approach to a research paper (all standards from NCEA level 2).
The way the US curric, we've seen - your experience may be otherwise - and used to craft a research paper , the approach is very different from the outcome Jay was expected to submit in 2016.
Jay is in start up mode with his 2017 Te Kura ( NZ Correspondence School) courses for this year and I think we may have a few adjustments to make there too. Another NZ home educator recommended Digital Tech studies for Jay this year, thank you; he thinks it's okay ;-)
(Te Kura course work and Jay were definitely oil and water last year, and he's come away not wanting to pursue anymore Maths, or, English especially, via that portal.)
Music lesson, history and some of our electives won't recommence until the end of February.
Our Week Ahead:
Literature, & Book Basket:
Hinds' Feet on High Places ~ Hurnard (we both think that Pilgrim's Progress is much richer, more profound, than this)
Essentials in Writing 10 (not to be confused with Excellence in Writing)
2: Essentials in Literature 9 The Raven ~ Poe
2: Essentials in Literature 9 The Raven ~ Poe
Greek & Latin Roots
5: Penmanship
CTC Mon to Thurs
NCEA Math Fri
Rosetta Stone French
Rosetta Stone French
& Book Basket
1: Book Basket
2: Audio’s in Feb
Te Kura
Accounting: Start with: AC2010Y1
Business Studies
Drums Mon – Sat
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