Keeping up with the supply and demand seemed easier during the younger years; we are finding keeping Daisy's Free Reading basket supplied with interesting and good quality stories a challenge this year.
We've been scouring through all/any book lists and suggestions others have compiled and are coming up with very few usable options. I could start pulling books that are semi ear marked for the next three years English Lit studies, but we were wanting to save those for 'new' stories to enjoy and study then - my prayer orientated friends will understand this; so, I figured it's time I started praying that we will come across some more worthy or interesting/delightful (& age appropriate) books for her, since Daisy doesn't have many Free Reading titles left on this years list.
(Her free reading options, for 2016, are listed part way down this long post under Free, Unscheduled, Reading for Daisy).
Here's a portion of our week ahead:
May Monday 23 2016
· Family
All: Luke
History & Geography
Christians of Note:
Jonathan Goforth 1859-1936, (Canadian. Missionary to China)
Smith Wigglesworth 1859-1947 (British Evangelist)
3: Short Stories:
· Jay
History & Geography
2: Bp Early Modern Times: (allowing 2 weeks)
Ch: 14 p.210a, Ch:15 Big Business (Robber Barons) 212-224a
3: ITTC: Henry James (1881) p.287
Mapping: BP
wk.15 U.S.A in 1912
History, Literature, & Book Basket:
1: Book Basket:
Outliers ~ Gladwell (Assignment)
Free Reading:
Farm ~ Orwell (1945) Brit Lit
· Daisy
History & Geography
2: Bp Early Modern Times:
Ch: 14 p.210a,
Ch:15 Big Business
(Robber Barons) 212-224a
3: KF p.378-379 (Arts), p.382-383 (Science)
4: ITTC: Henry James (1881) p.287
Mapping: BP
wk.15 U.S.A in 1912
Your choice (Lizardpoint)
History, Literature, & Book Basket:
Book Basket:
Hudson Taylor ~ Benge
The Keeper of the Bees ~
Stratton-Porter (post WWI)
Free Reading:
When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit ~
Kerr SL300
2: Audio’s in May:
Mrs. Pollifax series
Bk8: Mrs. Pollifax and the Golden Triangle Story line is more intense in this book than others that we've listened to in the series so far.
Bk8: Mrs. Pollifax and the Golden Triangle Story line is more intense in this book than others that we've listened to in the series so far.

Chelle, I'll try and talk with Elise about books that she has enjoyed reading and see if we can give you a few ideas. She probably doesn't have as much reading time on her hands (with her dance schedule) as Daisy does. Shes currently working her way through the Anne of Green Gables series in her spare time.
Just remembered, we have "Running for my Life" by Lopez Lomong (sp?) (US olympic athlete who was one of the Sudanese lost boys) on our kindle and as an audible book that I want both of mine to read/listen too. Elise also read "Taking Flight" about Michaela de Prince (sp?) a dancer with Dance Theatre of Harlem (adopted from orphanage in Africa) I didn't pre-read this one. We kind of had a connection to her as we had met two different DTH dancers and I knew the interest would be there. I love Ann Rinaldi books, but those would require some pre-reading. (US historical fiction at the young adult level). "Come Juneteenth" is one I may have mine read, but has some "issues" (premarital sex). I love pretty much everything Mildred Taylor that I've read: "The Land", "Roll of Thuder", "Let the Circle be Unbroken".
Elise has just joined me and recommends "The Dark is Rising" series (Start with "The Dark is Rising")--mixes in Arthur/Merlin and accompanying magic into modernish (1970's) England/Wales. "The Westing Game", "The Hawk and the Dove" (core 200), "The Outlaws of Sherwood" (core 200), "The Sherwood Ring" (Core H), "A Year Down Yonder" (core 100), "Pictures of Hollis Woods" (core 200), "Small Acts of Amazing Courage" (add in to Core H for us) by Gloria Whelan, pretty much anything Gloria Whelan, Elise especially recommends "Angel on the Square", "The Impossible Journey", "Burying the Sun" and "The Turning" (follows the same family in St Petersburg up to Yeltsin) "The Dragonfly Pool" by Eva Ibbotson, and "Island of the Aunts" (Ibbotson), If you haven't read it, "Listening for Lions" by Whelan, "A Long Walk to Water" by Linda Sue Park (Probably gentler than "Running for My Life"), "The Kite Fighters (core G) by Park, "A Single Shard" (Core g/h) by Park
Thank you, thank you!!! I really appreciate you and Elise taking the time to share your recommendations with us Allie. ♥♥
Some of the titles are new, not yet read, and ones we can investigate.
(You appreciate so many of the authors that are favourites here too :) )
Have you previewed any of the Lynn Austin books? Austin is a Christian writer & has many historical fiction novels that are really enjoyable. Admittedly I've read them more for me then considering my children.. They are very well done.
Also, if you haven't spotted it audible has All Creatures Great & Small in their $4.95 sale. So exciting! I actually picked up a few in their sale.. I'm babbling.. sorry.
Thanks for stopping and offering suggestions ♥ I have 1 Austin title in my wish list (a hang over from that lovely audio list you shared with me) and I'm going to wait for the 50% Nov sale to purchase and enjoy ;-) - it sounds VERY good.
Ooo, thank you!!. Off to check if audile US has that same sale on.
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