27 April 2015

Our Week Ahead ~ April Monday 27th 2015

Just tossing up this short post listing some of the items for our week ahead starting April Monday 27th 2015. 
Image sourced from Free All Pictures
 Monday is a memorial holiday here in New Zealand, ANZAC Day, and we'll be including a few delight led items in our week to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Australian and New Zealand soldiers landing at Gallipoli.

·       Bible
All: II Timothy 

·       History & Geography
1: Biblioplan Ch 11:  Bacon’s Rebellion
pgs 258, 259a,  263b-265, 273-276
2: Biblioplan Ch 12:  Freedom of Religion
pgs 278-285, 287-291a, 293b-301   (Tues – Thurs)
3: MOH vol 3, wk 23, 24, 25,  Optional.  Scientists (Pascal, Boyle, Newton)
Mapping: The Seven Continents (Review)

·       Family
1:  Read Aloud:
(1665)  A Parcel of Patterns ~ Walsh SL
2:  Car time audio:  The Dairy of Samuel Pepys: BBC Dramatisation  (continue) content issues.  We ended up dropping this as the content issues just got worse 
3:  Book Basket:
Christian Men of Science ~ Mulfinger: Boyle 1627-1691
King Alfred’s English ~ White  pg 77 onwards
 ·        Daisy ~ History, Literature and Book Basket:
2:  History Reading: 
FM of 16th & 17th Cent: Cromwell (1599-1658),   John Milton (1608-1674), Richelieu (1585-1642)
(1686)  Escape Across the Sea ~ Kirkpatrick SL7
5:  Free Reading: still to decide
6:  Audio’s: to be decided

·        Jay ~ History, Literature and Book Basket:
1: Book Basket:
2: History Reading: 
 FM of 16th & 17th Cent: Louis XIV (1638-1715) William of Orange (1650-1702)  John Locke (1632-1704))
Master Cornhill  ~ McGraw (SL6)    (1687)

3:  Audio: delight led

·       English
1:  Essentials in Writing, Level 8:  Lesson 9 +
2:  Notebooking pages for Escape Across the Wide Sea  (there is no need to sign up to Dropbox to download our notebooking pages, just close the sign up box and download).
1:  Greenleaf Guide Yr 3 Lit (1550-1900)  ~ Shearer
  Lesson 8Milton (1608-1674)
3:  The Screwtape Letters ~ Lewis 
(sadly, the guide we are using from
http://www.lovetolearnplace.com/LitGuild/Screwtape/#anchor87610  is no longer available online …so thankful that we downloaded and archived it!
Audio: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God ~ Edwards (Screwtape Letters side study)

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