Here is the whole long list of the books we’ve selected out, which I’m purposely archiving on my blog for my own sake. Recommending that parents know the content in each of these books, if you decided to use them with your students: some have very mature content in them, some we editied things out as we went along or I discussed the content with the student before hand, or as we read along. Using God's name in vain always gets edited out in our home - we're quite content to switch it to the gods (Rosencrantz and Guildenstern), or just ignore reading it altogether.
August 2014 Update. Sometimes life/a learning year goes in a different direction than we planned, so crossing out the books we dropped so far.
Daisy (12yrs) will come back to read some of the books crossed out at later stage, as delight-led reads when she's a bit older.
And here is what we added in:
Captain Blood ~ Sabatini
10: Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth ~ Tolkien content issues. Needs editing out & discussion!!
And here is what we added in:
Captain Blood ~ Sabatini
Moonfleet~ Faulkner
Rhiannon (Audio) ~ Grove
Daisy (12):
The Phantom Toll Booth ~ Norton Juster (WWE4)
And some Lois Leppard books
Jay (14):
Eight Cousins ~ Alcott
Rose in Bloom ~ AlcottAnd some Lois Leppard books
10: Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth ~ Tolkien content issues. Needs editing out & discussion!!
17: The Silmarillion ~ Tolkien (opt) content issues. Needs editing out & discussion!!
20: The Prince Across the Water ~ Yolen & Harris (opt) (the Stuarts series)
21: Dido& Pa ~ Aiken (Wolves of Willoughby Chase series)
The Westing Game ~ Raskin (SLG R/A)
The moms over at TWTM forums were a huge help in sharing lists and links of things we could use for our year long study of the Middle Ages, and, the Renaissance and the Reformation.
I need to be more flexible in being able to pick up , or put down, home educating options, for the first half of 2014, so I’ve left lots of spaces open in our family's schedule and have put all the maybe, hope-we-can-read-those options into the book basket lists.
Our history schedule is set up mostly for Daisy, as Bobs is going to be working on managing his own reading ‘timetable’ during the year, to get certain works of literature read before ‘class time writing/discussions’ with me.
I had originally only thought of using Biblioplan's Middle Ages Companion Text with Daisy, but Bob was keen to read along too - he enjoyed BP's Ancients Text and our small group discussions - so I've scheduled it for both. I'm intending to type a post reviewing Biblioplan ... one day :)
I had originally only thought of using Biblioplan's Middle Ages Companion Text with Daisy, but Bob was keen to read along too - he enjoyed BP's Ancients Text and our small group discussions - so I've scheduled it for both. I'm intending to type a post reviewing Biblioplan ... one day :)
Daisy and I thought we’d focus on a picture books illustrations study this year – all casual and hopefully enjoyable – and I’m aiming to inject a good dose of art history into our lives, again, this year.
Art ‘lessons’ are one area that I’m just not going to try and 'claim the hill' over this year, I love it – they don’t … until they see what they’ve created.
Maybe one of the cat’s would like some painting lessons ;-)
I’ll update and tweak this list, dropping and adding books, no doubt, as we go along.
& yes I’m planning on getting the shareable part of our history schedule up for viewing in a week or so – once all the planning dust has settled.
Spines, Guides, Reference:
Ambleside on line (selections)
1: Biblioplan Middle Ages Companion Text ( Biblioplan Middle Ages Book List. Enjoy ☺)
Ambleside on line (selections)
1: Biblioplan Middle Ages Companion Text ( Biblioplan Middle Ages Book List. Enjoy ☺)
1: Biblioplan Mapping for Middle Ages
1: DK Visual Encyclopedia, UILE, Kingfisher, World Encyclopedia (cd rom)
1: Famous Men of the Middle Ages ~ Memoria Press
1: Famous Men of the Middle Ages ~ Memoria Press
3: How the Irish Saved Civilization ~ Cahill (selections)
24: Famous Men of the Renaissance & the Reformation ~ Shearer
30: Famous Men of the 16th and 17th Century ~ Shearer
Spines, Guides, Reference:
1: The History of the Middle Ages ~ Bauer (Discussion)
1: The History of the Middle Ages ~ Bauer (Discussion)
2: This Sceptred Island (55BC – 1660) audio
10: (Start) Classics of British Literature ~ Sutherland (The Great Courses. audio)
26: The History of the Renaissance World ~ Bauer (Discussion) 10: (Start) Classics of British Literature ~ Sutherland (The Great Courses. audio)
Online Courses
Spines, Guides, Reference:
1: Story of the World 2 ~ Bauer
1: Story of the World 2 ~ Bauer
2: The Best of Our Island Story ~ Marshall (Naxos) Car Time Audio
2B: The Great Deeds of Superheroes: (selections) ~ Saxby & Ingpen (PBS)
Non – fiction (mostly) Scheduled
3: Audio: Augustine's Conversion ~ Mclean
For anyone looking for guides to compliment a read through of St. Augustine's Confession, here is what we did.
3: Audio: Augustine's Conversion ~ Mclean
For anyone looking for guides to compliment a read through of St. Augustine's Confession, here is what we did.
Since there are some very mature topics in Confessions, we chose to read through selections of that work - along with listening to Mclean's very abridged audio production . Understandably the content in most guides, for Confessions, was too ‘mature’ for our, just turned 13yr old, Jay so we just selected out certain elements that we wanted to discuss.
Two on-line Literature Guides for St. Augustine's Confession:
3: How the Irish Saved Civilization ~ Cahill (selections)
4: The Mediterranean ~ Illust Robert Ingpen Hagia Sophia, Turkey pg 69-75
5: The Arabs of the Golden Age ~ Moktefi (SLF) selections only
12: Cathedral (1252AD) ~ Macaulay
14: Life & Times:Chaucer & The Middle Ages ~ Ross (story format, N/F)
14: Joan of Arc ~ Brian Williams (N/F)
16: Da Gama ~ Doak (1500's India's "Discovery")
16: Adventures on theAncient Silk Road ~ Galloway (N/F) (selections)
18A: The Settlement of Australia: from Colony to Nation ~ Hatt
18A: The Story of New Zealand ~ Basset/Sinclair/Stenson
19: The Mongols ~ Nicholson SLF
22: The Well of Sacrifice ~ Eboch (not for sensitive readers, content issues)
23: El Cid Champion of Spain ~ Matthews (N/F reference. selections)
31: The Tudors &Stuarts ~ Burrell (selections)
32: Mary Queen of Scots ~ Strong
Read Alouds/Audios
1: Hero Myths & Legends of Britian & Ireland ~ Ebbutt: The Dream of Maxen Wledig (Mabinogion)
2: Black Horses for the King (SL)
1: Hero Myths & Legends of Britian & Ireland ~ Ebbutt: The Dream of Maxen Wledig (Mabinogion)
2: Black Horses for the King (SL)
2B: Idylls of the King ~ Tennyson (audio)
14: Fire, Bed, and Bone ~ Branford (Read here, just because we wanted to)
6: The Great Deeds of Superheroes: Roland, Hero of Franch ~ Saxon & Ingpen p.160-170
6: The Great Deeds of Superheroes: Roland, Hero of Franch ~ Saxon & Ingpen p.160-170
9: 0r, The Story of Rolf & the Viking Bow ~ French
9: 1066: History in an Hour ~ K. Jones (car time audio) don't recommend!!
10: or Catherine Called Birdy (SL G pre-read first) saved for Daisy in a few years
11: Otto of the Silver Hand ~ Pyle (SLG R/A)
12: or The Red Keep ~ French (currently oop)
12: or The Red Keep ~ French (currently oop)
12: Car Time Audio: Ivanhoe ~ Scott
15: Stories from Dante (illust) Told to the Children ~ MacGregor (kindle)
15: Hunchback of Notre Dame Hugo (opt) (1482 AD) went with abridged audio.
15: Hunchback of Notre Dame Hugo (opt) (1482 AD) went with abridged audio.
18: A Single Shard ~ Park (Korea 1100's) (SL G)
21: A Glorious Age in Africa~ Chu (SLF)
23: El Cid ~ McCaughrean
24: Hus the Heretic (1370-1415) ~ Poggius the Papist First portion only, we ran out of time25: Gateway of the Sun ~ Lori Wagner (1524AD+) Inca Empire & Spanish Conquis
27: Luther in His Own Words ~ Martin Luther
30: Famous Men of the 16th & 17th Century ~ Shearer
31: William Tyndale: The Smuggler's Flame ~ Rich
32: The Shakespeare Stealer ~Blackwood (time audio) switched to Daisy and she also read the sequels
33: A Boy & His Bear ~ Graham, 32: The Shakespeare Stealer ~Blackwood (time audio) switched to Daisy and she also read the sequels
34: I, Juan de Pareja ~ de Trevino (car time audio)
Family Read Aloud
Optional Book Basket Choices
4: Poetry book choices:
4: Poetry book choices:
Favourite Poems, Old & New ~ Ferris
The New Oxford Book of Children's Verse ~ Philip
A Child's Introduction to Poetry ~ Driscoll (Daisy)
unscheduled books:
King Alfred's English ~ White & The Shorter Word online guide, links, etc..
The Book of the Middle Ages ~ Mills (N/F story format)
unscheduled books:
King Alfred's English ~ White & The Shorter Word online guide, links, etc..
The Wool-Pack ~ Harnett (1492-93AD) (repeat read)
Great Battles ~ Jorgensen
Paddy the Wanderer ~ Haworth (True NZ Dog Story)
100 Amazing Tales from Aotearoa (incs DvD)
Toi Matarau 2: Teaching Visual Art in Aotearoa (can’t blame a mumma for trying ☺)
suggested scheduling:
14: or Girl in a Cage ~ Yolen Robert the Bruce (Scotland) (1380AD)
16: 1: Homeless Bird ~ Whelan, (SLH)
32: Wednesday Wars ~ Schmidt (SL300) Shakespeare tie-in
Literature (scheduled)
(Where applicable we’ll be using some of Sonlight’s booknotes (pre 2012) with the SL titles we’ve listed)
(Where applicable we’ll be using some of Sonlight’s booknotes (pre 2012) with the SL titles we’ve listed)
Daisy & I selected some fun titles for her to enjoy, along with some of the more necessary reads. I'm ascertaining that - these lists are not set in concrete they are 100% flexible - Daisy's lists will change the most if she decides to do a leap forward in the content she can handle, like Bobs did at around age 12 and 1/2.
1:Irenaeus of Lyons ~ Ferguson She chose to read from Invitation to the Classics ~ Cowan & Guinness instead
2: King Arthur & the Knights of the Round Table ~ Pyle
2B: Beowulf the Warrior ~ Sutcliff
3: Medieval Myths, Legends and Songs ~ Trembinski (N/F)
8: Adventures with the Vikings ~ Bailey :-)
8: The Wanderers ~ Coatsworth (Ireland and the Vikings)
9: Canute & The Vikings ~ May (994 - c. 1000AD)
9: Adventures in the Middle Ages ~ Bailey
11: The Apple and the Arrow ~ Buff (pict bk SL 2)
12: A Cathedral Builder ~ Caselli
12: Richard the Lionheart ~ Tritten,
14: Fire, Bed, and Bone ~ Branford
17: The Great Wall of China ~ Fisher (SL1) (PBAS)
17: Li Lun, Lad of Courage ~ Treffinger (China) SLF
18: Crowns of Fire ~ Morrow (PBS)
18: The Voyage of the Poppykettle ~ Ingpen (Aust) (PBS)
18B: SeeSaw Girl ~ Park (SLF)
19: The Big Wave ~ Buck (Japan) SLF (read with mum) opt
21: Mary Slessor (African Missionary) choose 1 biography
22: Lost City: The Discovery ofMachu Picchu ~ Lewin (PBAS)
24: Around the World in a Hundred Years ~ Fritz (Read with mum)
25: The Voyage of Magellan ~ Humble (picture N/F) (1519-1522)
27: Martin Luther ~ Maier & illust by Copeland (Pict bk)
27: Luther: Biography of a Reformer ~ Nohl (SLG)
28: Leonardo Da Vinci ~ Stanley
28: Michelangelo ~ Stanley
29: Along Came Galileo ~ Bendick (BFSc)
30: The Prince & The Pauper ~ Twain (audio)
32: Red Hugh,Prince of Donegal ~ Reilly (1587AD)
33: Good Queen Bess ~ Stanley
33: Bard of Avon ~ Stanley
33: As You Like it ~ Mulherin(opt)
Book Basket (scheduled - faster overview reads of the M.A)
1: The Princess and the Goblin ~ Macdonald (repeat)
1: The Princess and the Goblin ~ Macdonald (repeat)
3: Puck of Pook's Hill ~ Kipling (audio)
5: Shadow Spinner ~ Fletcher(SL) opt, already read,
5: (Ali Baba PBS )
6: The Story of Roland (illus) ~Baldwin (kindle)
7: Asterix ☺ (PBS)
8: The Invaders ~ Burrell (selections)
8: The Middle Ages ~ Burrell (Selections)
9: The Tower of London ~ Fisher (1066 - 1666AD)
10: The Castle Diary ~ Platt (large pict bk) (PBS)
11: Kingfisher Tales from Russia ~ Mayhew (Selections) PBS
13: Robin Hood ~ Howard Pyle (audio opt)
13: Reformation Heroes ~ Kleyn Ch.1: Peter Waldo
14: A Florentine Merchant ~ Caselli (1300s AD)
18A: Our Sunburnt Country ~ Baillie
18B: Tales of a Korean Grandmother (Start) (SL Core F)
23: For Merrie England: A Tale of the Weavers of Norfolk ~ Leslie (1357AD England) (very easy!! read)
26: A German Printer ~ Giovanni Caselli (1485AD)
23: For Merrie England: A Tale of the Weavers of Norfolk ~ Leslie (1357AD England) (very easy!! read)
26: A German Printer ~ Giovanni Caselli (1485AD)
31: The Hawk that Dare not Hunt By Day ~ O'Dell (ex.SL) (William Tyndale)
33: Wicked Will ~ MacDonald,
33: or, Rogues' Gold ~ Pilkington
34: Red Hugh, Prince of Donegal ~ Reilly (1587AD)
(Personal Growth books still to be decided)
Daisy Book Basket (Optional) (no use scheduling these, she'll devour them)
unscheduled books:
The Dog Who Wouldn't Be ~ Galdone
unscheduled books:
The Dog Who Wouldn't Be ~ Galdone
The Girl From the Limberlost ~ Porter (read with mum)
Tales of Robin Hood ~ Tony Allan (opt)
Medieval Times (If You Were There) ~ Mason (N/F)
Suggested Scheduling:
11: (onwards) The Great & Terrible Quest ~ Lovett (SLG R) (discuss before reading)
Suggested Scheduling:
11: (onwards) The Great & Terrible Quest ~ Lovett (SLG R) (discuss before reading)
16: The Silk Route 7,000 Miles of History ~ Major (repeat read)
18: The Samurai Warriors ~ Steele
20: The Voyage of the The Dawn Treader ~ C.S. Lewis (repeat read)
20: St George & the Dargon (any version pict book)
20: The Reluctant Dragon - Graham (repeat read)
25: Dvd The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
28: The Apprentice ~ Llorente
28: Leonardo Da Vinci ~ Venezia N/F opt
34: Shakespeare's Spy ~ Blackwood
unscheduled books:
(1600's) The King's Equal ~ Paterson (easy reading, deeper message)
Artists are Crazy and Other Stories ~ Catran
King of the Wind ~ Henry SLF
Palio, the Wildest Horse Race in the World ~ Henry
The Incredible Journey ~ Burnford SLF
Freckles ~ Stratton Porter
Pride and Prejudice ~ Austen (SL)
The Hobbit ~ Tolkien (repeat read) (SLF)
Wolves of Willoughby Chase ~ Hodge (SLF)
Little Dorrit ~ Dickens
Lorna Doone ~ Blackmoore (mum pre-read first. Portions need editing out for our family!)
The Seventh One ~ Yates
Champion Dog: Prince Tom ~ Fritz
Dog Days ~ McCaughrean
Picture Book Study (PBS) (scheduled)
Book Illustrations, Myths n Legends, & Fairy Tales
Book Illustrations, Myths n Legends, & Fairy Tales
1: I am an Artist ~ Collins
2B: The Great Deeds of Superheroes: Cuchulain the Champion ~ Saxby & Ingpen pg 142
5: Ali Baba & the Forty Thieves ~ Chapman & Wu
7: Asterix
10: The Castle Diary ~ Platt (large pict bk)
11: Kingfisher Tales from Russia ~ Mayhew (Selections)
15: The Twelve Dancing Princess ~ Sanderson (& Library study)
15: Harald and the Giant Knight ~ Carrick
17: The Dragon Kite ~ Luenn & Hague
17: Mei Li ~ Handforth
17: The Seven Chinese Brothers ~ Mahy
17: onwards. Cinderella:
1: In the Land of the Small Dragon ~ Clark & Chen,
2: Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters ~ Steptoe,
3: Cinderella ~ Perrault & Jeffers,
4: Cinderella ~ Sanderson
5: Library Study
18A: Crowns of Fire ~ Morrow
18a: All bks by Peter Gossage
1: The Fish of Maui
2: How Maui Slowed the Sun
3: Battle of the Mountains
18a: The Voyage of the Poppykettle ~ Ingpen (Aust)
22: Lost City: The Discovery of Machu Picchu ~ Lewin
32: Will's Quill ~ Freeman (Shakespeare)
32: Will's Quill ~ Freeman (Shakespeare)
33: A Medieval Feast ~ Aliki (Queen Eliz 1)
Literature Books & Audios (scheduled)
2: Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court ~ Twain (opt)
2: Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court ~ Twain (opt)
9: Discovery Mag #14 William the Conq, Battle of Hastings
12: Saladin: The Muslin Who Defended His People~ Macdonald
12: The Magna Charta ~ Daugherty
13: Robin Hood ~ J.C. Holt (selections)
18A: Favourite Maori Legends ~ A.W. Reed
19: Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World ~ Weatherford N/F (mature (adult) themes and content! )
21: (African Missionary) choose 1 biography
24: The Kings Fifth ~ O'Dell (1541) (audio opt)
25: Ferdinand Magellan ~ Brewster (ex.SL really easy reading)
27: Martin Luther’s “Here I Stand” (Narrator Max McLean)
Jay's Book Basket (scheduled)
** Includes a highschool, Medieval Literature, study (detailed at the end of this post)
2: Thirty Days Has September ~ Chris Stevens
2: The Hound of Ulster ~ Sutcliff (opt)
3: The Shining Company ~ Sutcliff (600AD)
3: The Shining Company ~ Sutcliff (600AD)
6: The White Stage ~ Seredy (AD 408)
7: Great Battles ~ Jorgensen: Tours/Poitiers AD732 p. 59-65 (optional)
9: Hero Myths & Legends of Britain & Ireland ~ Ebbutt: Hereward the Wake
10: Cadfael title by Ellis Peters (audio)
(Personal Growth books still to be decided)
Jay's Book Basket (Optional)
unscheduled books:
unscheduled books:
Made You Look : How Advertising Works… ~ Graydon (SL200)
Suggested Scheduled:
Suggested Scheduled:
2: Tales from King Arthur
17: The Samurai's Tale ~ Haugaard SLG (opt)
unscheduled books:
Here Lies the Librarian ~ Peck
The Year 1000 ~ Lacey 942.01 Lac (audio option) Excellent book , though editing out needed!!!
The Knights Templar ~ Hodge 271.7913 Hod
The Times: Kings & Queens of the British Isles ~ Cussans 941 Tim
Medieval Literature 400 - c.1600AD
Highschool English Guides
A: The Greeleaf Guide to Medieval British Literature ~ Shearer
Highschool English Guides
A: The Greeleaf Guide to Medieval British Literature ~ Shearer
B: Level 3, English AME Workbook (selections)
C: Invitation to the Classics ~ Cowan & Guinness
D: Stories from Shakespeare ~ Marchette Chute (selections) (n/f)
Online Guides:
F: Spark Notes
The 8 items in bold, listed beneath, are the medieval literature selections Bobs will be studying in depth this year, alongside our Middle Ages/Renaissance History study:
3: Augustine (selections) (c. 411) audio/guide
1: Bede: The Ecclesiastical History of the English People (AD 731) GGuide
2: King Arthur (c 500 + AD) (various)
3: Beowulf (c. 1000) translated by Seamus, illustrated edition GGuide
9: 1066: The Year of Conquest audio (modern times work, about 1066)
8: Gawain and the Green Knight (c. 1400) audio/book GGuide
11: Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales (selections)(c. 1400) GGuide
27: Writings of Luther (selections) Martin Luther (c. 1520) audio/book/guide
(16, 21, 27, 32: Shakespeare (c. 1600’s) 4 plays (GGuide: Hamlet) )
14: Saint Joan ~ George Bernard Shaw (audio production)
B: Shakespeare Unit:
16a: Level 3, English AME Workbook (selections)
16: Stories from Shakespeare ~ Marchette Chute (selections) (n/f)
16: Shakespeare Stories ~ audios (for Daisy)
16-20: A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1600) BBC production/guide
16-20: The Tempest (1623) BBC production/guide
21: Hamlet (Greenleaf Guide, Lessons 15-19) Hamlet (1603) (BBC Production)
Hamlet audio & whispersync kindle option
Hamlet audio & whispersync kindle option
27: Henry VIII (1623) BBC production/guide
32: Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead ~ Tom Stoppard (GGuide Lesson’s 21-23):
4: Treasury of English Verse: New & Old (selections) ~ University Tutorial Press
Wow! That is a great list! Does this mean you are DONE with you planning??? Can I get back to pestering you again? pester, pester! Thanks for sharing I will print it out and put it in my folder...although it is almost too overwhelming!~ seeing it in this format it looks like Mt. Everest; but I'm sure spread out in a 36 weeks spread it is easier on the eyes! Thanks so much!!!
Tracy, you're style of 'pestering' is ALWAYS welcome .. I've missed you too ;)
The schedule looks much more user friendly as a schedule, and most of the books on that list are optional and are just *there* so I remember we have them to choose from.
And the list will change as we go along.
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