17 October 2011

October 17: The Week Ahead

Typing the whole week out in list form was so helpful last week that I've done the same for this week. We are still working on some of the "things' on lasts weeks list so I'll colour key them to make life visually quicker for me ☺

Continue or complete - black
New content -

Bible & Memory Work
Handwriting & Memory work: Ephesians 2:8-10 (continue)

Amazing Grace: Illustrated Stories of Favourite Hymns
by K Osbeck: Abide With Me our Hymn (learn for 2 more weeks)

Classical Music
Story of Great Composers: Schubert (Unit 4 - pg 15) (continued)

Artistic Pursuits Bk 2: Lesson 22 (last lesson reinvented) (Complete)
Mark Kistler - pencil sketching
Artist: Millet (for 4 more weeks)

World History
Story of the World 3 Chapter 36: The Slave Trade Ends (Tuesday)
Encyclopedia tie-ins for SOTW3
Read Alouds
The Journeyman - SL RA/3 (complete)
The Freedom Fighter by Bingham
Daisy: Who Owns the Sun? (Tuesday)
Follow the Drinking Gourd (FIAR) slavery tie-ins (Friday)
(revisit - http://www.nationalgeographic.com/features/99/railroad/ )

New Zealand History
Builders of NZ Chapt 4: How the First White People Settled in New Zealand (complete)
pg72 - Samuel Marsden, the Maoris' Friend
pg74 - The Coming of the Missionaries

Readers for Both:
The Story of the Erie Canal (SL H/3)
Louis Braille (SL R5)

Audio book for free time: (still to decide)

Language Arts
Instruction from WWE Text for both
Grammar: FLL for Bobs , conversationally for Daisy
Spelling: AAS

Daisy: Making Math Meaningful (next lesson) plus 6x's table drill
Bobs: LOF - Pre Algebra 2 with Economics with MMM companion lessons (if necessary) plus math speed drill

Song School Latin: next 3 lessons & review
English From the Roots Up: (none this week)

Chess: Bobs
Logic Puzzles or books:

Delight led (NZ Astronomy, FTDG FIAR tie-in http://www.astronomynz.org.nz/star-charts/star-charts.html )
Spring – plant out pumpkin seedlings, visit ducklings, enjoy our guinea pigs pups..

External Electives
(music lessons and swimming cancelled - public school term break)


Chareen said...

hello Chelle

Love your lists. and would love to see another so have you tagged:


Holly@ThreeSidedWheel said...

We make weekly lists too. It so helps to see it all down on paper!