Nature Study & Fine Arts
Since we will be finishing Core 2 before the end of the year we've toyed with the thought of enjoying the rest of Artistic Pursuits 2 as our history slot - the children and I are looking forward to a heavy art run (yay!!) yet I've been pondering on what I could use as a ready made guide for our nature study and fine arts spin through the spring, to end of summer, and the range of choices is almost overwhelming.

Plover eggs we discovered last spring.
We do like nature study and could wing it ourselves, also I could pull together something for art/artists as well as a composers tie-in, but I wanted a combined 'already-done' schedule so I thought I'd best sort out what I didn't want first:As already stated , the main 'didn't want' was to start out pulling together my own study, or to piecemeal together 3 or more involved curricula.
I didn't want something that was going to be a really difficult for me to tweak (snort - smile), or sift and sort as needed.
I didn't want lots of lapnotes, or a lapbook (an ocassional notebook page, or single lapnote may happen, or not).
Oh, yes, and the price....... (smile) only the cost of the download.
I'll be able to source the composer pieces through our library, we already own Anna Comstock's book, & the extra book showing in the right hand corner is Dovers Backyard Nature Color in Book and is a spare go-along for Daisy to enjoy as she likes. That child just loves to colour!
So I've downloaded and filed up Spring Nature Study with Art and Music Appreciation for us to use for spring. If we like it, and I really think we will (!!), I'll order Summer Nature Study next.

As an aside ... I don't think we'll want to choose the walnut tree - we got to study that quite a bit last year, day and night, thanks to a possum, seen above (wry smile).
The rogue and his lady ate almost all of our entire crop of walnuts.
For fine arts appreciation, alongside SOTW3, I'm seriously eyeing Harmony Fine Arts: Grade 3 while I entertain the idea of it being predominately for Daisy's benefit, knowing however that Bobbi & I will enjoy it too :-)
and for traditional science Chelle, what about science with experiments? Ducking and running LOL
Eliz W
Oh, bad girl Eliz - LOL!!
I guess we could do science experiments involving 'ducking' and 'running '. Do they come under the heading human bio or physics? (evil grin).
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