Maybe this post should come with 'long load ahead' warning. :-)
**Sept 2011: Our updated list of New Zealand Literature can now be found at:
Pictures and a post about our pre-highschool level NZ history spines;
Builders of New Zealand - An Illustrated History for Young People ~ A.W Reed (click this link)
& Aotearoa – A History of New Zealand ~Olive Baldwin
Pict bks
The Treaty House ~LeAnne Orams 1830’s + (semi time travel child looks back into history)
The Immigrants ~Alan Bagnall/Sarah Wilkins 1862
Freedom is a Wobbly Sack ~Peter Minturn 1890’s ?
Seadog – A Tale of Old New Zealand ~Dorothy Butler 1890
Caesar The Anzac Dog ~Patricia Stroud 1900s
By Jingo ~Dorothy Butler 1905
Harry & The Anzac Poppy ~John Lockyer & Raewyn Whaley WW I 1917
A Present From the Past ~Jennifer Beck WW I in Britian to present day NZ
The Donkey Man ~Glyn Harper Gallipoli during WW I
The Bantam & The Soldier ~Jennifer Beck WW II
Papa’s Island ~Melanie Drewery WW II
The Sky Soldiers ~Glyn Harper WW II
Nicky & Wi ~Iris Wallace 1960’s
My Kiwi ~John Lockyer Nature
Classic New Zealand Animal Stories (NZ Golden Books) ~compiled by Julia Graham
OPO – Dolphin/ JAMES – Captain Cook Pig/ KAHU - Kiwi/ BYAMUL – Black Swan/ PIPPA – fairy penguin
Pict books by NZ writers
~Glenda Turner Books
~Joy Watson Books (Grandpa’s .. slippers cardigan etc.)
Hairy Mclary Books ~Lynley Dodd
Nobody’s Dog ~Jennifer Beck
~Betty Gilderdale The Little Digger Bks
The Light House Keeper Books ~Ronda Armitage
Mechanical Harry ~Bob Kerr
My Brown Bear Barney ~Dorothy Butler
The Best-Loved Bear ~Diana Noonan
The Duck in the Gun ~Joy Cowley
Sydney & The Sea Monster ~David Elliot (sea life)
N/F & Reference Junior – Highschool
Essential Dates – A Time line of New Zealand History ~Alison Dench
Aotearoa – A History of New Zealand ~Olive Baldwin
Illustrated History of New Zealand ~ Marcia Stenson
Reed Illustrated History of New Zealand ~ Matthew Wright (upper grades)
Builders of New Zealand - An Illustrated History for Young People ~ A.W Reed
New Zealand Disasters ~ Nicola McCloy
Fighting Past Each Other – The NZ Wars 1845-1872
The New Zealand Wars ~Ross Calman
History Makers – Conquerors of Everest (Sir Edmund Hillary) ~ Piccolo Explorer Bks
How Parliament Works in New Zealand ~John Lockyer (2004 ed)
First Words in Maori ~Paul Tilling (like Usborne first words books in format)
I’m Glad the Sky is Painted Blue (poems for the Very Young) Selected by ~Rosalyn Barnett
I will Build You a House – poems for Cushla Chosen by ~Dorothy Butler
Puzzle books
Magic Eyes: I Spy NZ History (1840-2000) ~Carol Atkinson
~Andrew Crowe (Natural Alphabet & study guide books)
Nature Study ~D. Beggs (a worthy 2nd hand book shop purchase)
The Know, Sow & Grow Kids' Book of Plants ~Diana Noonan
Grow A Gift ~Pauline Cartwright
A Kea on My Bed ~Molly Falla
A Pocketful of Penguins ~Molly Falla
A Sketchbook of New Zealand Birds ~Molly Falla
Draw New Zealand Birds ~ Heather Arnold
Moko’s Hideout (story format) ~Elsie Locke
Godwit’s Journey ~Sandra Morris Nature story format
My Spoonbill Book ~Alex Scott Nature – poetic format
Old Blue: The Rarest Bird in the World ~Mary Taylor (nature - story format)
Tea for the Tui (N/F - recipes) ~Rosemary Tully
Opo – The Hokianga Dolphin (pictorial diary) ~Eric & Elizabeth Lee-Johnson
A Year on Our Farm ~Penny Matthews & Andrew McLean 2000’s
Gone Fishing ~Margaret Albert 1990’s
Myths & Legends
~Peter Gossage bks (The Battle of the Mountains & The Fish of Maui)
How the Kiwi Lost it’s Wings ~Alwyn Owen
Chapter bks
30 Hideous & Hilarious New Zealand Historical Stories ~ editor Barbara Else (ancients to today)
Moa Hunter ~Eve Sutton pre-settler (early maori)
Maori and Settler ~G.A Henty 1800’s
~Elsie Locke Journey Under Warning (bks mostly 1800’s)
The Runaway Settlers ~Elsie Locke
Canoe in the Mist ~Elsie Locke
The Bats’ Nest ~Anne de Roo 1844
Traveller ~Anne de Roo 1850’s
Sergeant Sal ~Anne de Roo 1850
Tuppenny Brown ~Eve Sutton (convicts 1800’s)
A String of Gold Nuggets ~Pauline Cartwright (Otago Goldfields)
Shining Rivers ~Ruth Dallas 1860s Gold Rush
The Great Monsieur Vertelli ~Robin Peirce (our favourite Wanganui book) 1867
Rifle & Tomahawk ~Mona Tracy 1868
The Wild Boy in the Bush ~Ruth Dallas 1891
Call of the Cruins ~Elizabeth Pulford Pioneers
Six Little New Zealanders ~Esther Glenn
Farvel & Other Stories ~Yvonne du fresne (1930’s Manawatu)
The Kid from Matata (Memories of a Post War Pakeha Childhood) ~David McGill 1950s
Night Race to Kawau ~Tessa Duder (modern fict – boating)
The Gold Dog ~Anne De Roo (gold panning modern times)
The Dovers Road Collection: Adventures in New Zealand ~Joyce West (modern)
Where Lions Roar at Night, Bk 1 ~Rosie Boom (modern home educating family)
Where Arrows Fly , Bk 2 ~Rosie Boom (modern home educating family)
Historical & Biographical – Story Format
New Zealand’s Christian Heritage - God’s History Makers ~Col Stringer How the Maori’s Came ~A.W.Reed
A Land without Taxes ~Elsie Locke
Reaching the Summit – Sir Edmund Hillary’s Story ~Alexa Johnson with David Larsen
Soldier of the Yellow Socks - Charles Upham ~Janice Marriot (my favourite NZ Read Aloud)
Right, with our basic list up, now for the details page we put in our schedules folder.
Module 2
(Inventors/Explorers – Noah/Everest – Peserverance & Vision) NEW ZEALAND
2: The Story of the Orchestra pg 15 Bach 1685-1750 track 4- GEOGRAPHY SONGS C/D `New Zealand`
- CLWM -Exploring Landscape Art with Children pg 10-11 (trains & the progress of the railway)(Waitangi Day)
- Magic Eyes: I Spy NZ History (1840-2000) by Carol Atkinson
- The Treaty House by LeAnne Orams 1830’s +Homer Price SL 1Wendy's Beyond Journals
-Beyond FIAR Fold N Learn purchase the science & fine arts FnL only-Create a USA lapnote page
-Simple Machines Site
-Purchase a basic ‘radio kit’ for D to make with DH
Usborne Living Long Ago INVENTORS
Using Steam power pg92-93
Going further & faster pg94-95
-Inventors & Inventions
-NZ Inventors scroll down for inventors in NZ. Create a lapnote Page for 2 NZ InventsOur Extra Books- Reaching the Summit – Sir Edmund Hillary’s Story by Alexa Johnson with David Larsen
-Three Cheers for Inventors by Marcia Willams
-Mechanical Harry by Bob Kerr
-To the Top! Climbing the World’s Highest Mountain By S Kramer
(Sir Edmund Hillary – NZ explorer) Reader Geog pages to create (STH Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal)Usborne Houses & HomesHigh in the Mountains (Himalaya Mountains; Nepal; Mexico) pp16-17 (112-113)
Usborne Living Long AgoClothes around the world pg22-23
- High as a Hawk – A Brave Girl’s Historic Climb By T.A Barron
-Always Inventing – The True Story of Thomas Alva Edison By Frank Murphy Reader-Noah’s Ark By Linda Hayward Reader
-Whatever the Weather by Karen Wallace Reader

Our update list finally has it's own page at the top of our blog titled:
List of (our) New Zealand Books.
HTH :-)
I struggled for a long time to find the book Builders of New Zealand (A H Reed) and now i have two. I am about to list one on trademe and i thought i would mention here (just in case someone who uses this curriculum (and what a great one it is) wants their own copy.
Hi Fiona , hoping you come back to put a link to that auctIon. Ill delete your linked comment once your book has sold.
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