>>> Update don't forget to check out the 'new-ish' link for Core K extras Sonlight now have up on their web page
Part A
Books details here are:
A: A Hundred Dresses
B: Dolphin Adventure
C: Dr Dolittle
D: Five True Dog Stories
E: In Grandma’s Attic
F: James Herriot’s - Treasury for Children
(this is a work in progress as we are going back to tidy up each module and removing dead links, or exchanging for new more applicable ones)
We enjoyed these cores over a space of about 3 years by the time we'd finished. So these 'modules' are pretty full and some ideas we never got to, but I've left them in just incase they interest someone else. We extended Sonlight Core K intentionally to give Daisy time before we started Core 1, adding in quiet a few Five In A Row titles as we ambled along.
For each Sonlight Read Aloud be sure to check ideas from http://www.roadstoeverywhere.com/sonlightK.htm &
A: A Hundred Dresses-The Rag Coat by Lauren Mills (Five in a Row, Bible Suppliment)
We read this and compared the behaviour of the children in both classes to the main characters ‘poverty’. Had some indepth character discussions here.
- Either print these clothes on coloured card or have Daisy watercolour wash (make 100 dresses)
(carry on 100’s theme create a 100’s chart with doll stickers )
-Discuss ‘fashions’ using Living Long Ago (Clothes & Fashion Section).
Paper doll extravaganza
- The Best Loved Doll By Rebecca Caudill
Have a ‘bring your toy party’ with friends
-Next time go here
B: Dolphin AdventurePulled in Dolphin Treasure early.
Also read ..
1: a few stories from “Nine True Dolphin Stories” by Margaret Davidson
2: “Opo The Happy Dolphin” by Julia Graham (a NZ classic story)
3: Opo – The Hokianga Dolphin by Eric and Elizabeth Lee-Johnson (photo journal)
4: Dolphin A Science I Can Read Book by Robert A. Morris
5: The Man Who Loved the Sea by Tracy Duncan
6: Ten True Animal Stories by Jeanne Betancourt pg15-20
(use the rest of the book with James Herriot stories)
7: Treasures Beneath The Sea by Robert Silverberg (start with NZ story) pg 24-35
8: The poem “The Diver” by Ian Serraillier
I put on my aqua-lung and plunge,
Exploring, like a ship with a glass keel,
The secrets of the deep. Along my lazy road
On and on I steal –
Over waving bushes which at a touch explode
Into shrimps, then closing, rock to the tune of the tide;
Over crabs that vanish in puffs of sand.
Look, a string of pearls bubbling at my side
Breaks in my hand –
Those pearls were my breath! . . . Does that hollow hide
Some old Armada wreck in seaweed furled,
Crusted with barnacles, her cannon rusted,
The great San Philip? What bullion in her hold?
Pieces of eight, silver crowns, and bars of solid gold?
I shall never know. Too soon the clasping cold
Fastens on flesh and limb
And pulls me to the surface. Shivering, back I swim
To the beach, the noisy crowds, the ordinary world
(Perused these books to go with Dolphin Treasure)
4: DK Eyeywitness “Shipwreck”
5: The Usborne Book of Treasure Hunting
Other extras
We printed out our picture to colour with silk pastels and then attached them to a pre-prepared ‘sea’ background.
Also printed an extra one to go in our L/A’s folder with a dolphin poem
“Dolphin Dance” by Judith NichollsWe are darters and divers
From secret sea-caves.
We’re divers and gliders,
We dance through the waves.
We spiral and curl,
We weave as we fly,
Stitch shimmering arches
From ocean to sky.
We used this page for reference and copy work for science. Mum traced the dolpin and then the d/c wrote the following in the appropriate places; Fluke/Blow hole/Dorsal Fin/Ear/Eye/Flipper
Referred to The Usborne Internet-linked Childrens Encyc pgs 88-89
And The Usborne Complete First Book of Nature pgs 118-119
Watched DVD #28 in Natural Killers Series “Vanishing Dolphins”
We went to the museum to view “salvaged’ treasure,
Looked at some detailed picture books on the Titanic at the library (list below) and read
“Polar – The Titanic Bear” by Daisy Corning Stone Spedden
From the library..(to go with Dolphin Treasure)
Ship Wreck (about nz ships by Greenstone Pictures) VIDEO (dewey 910.45)
Extra Books
1: Usborne Lift-the-flap ‘On The Beach’ (577.69) for Pre-k
2: The Berenstain Bears Seashore Treasure (early reader) reader & Prek
3: Usborne ‘1001 Things to Spot in the Sea’ ( dewey 793.73 pre-k
4: DK Eyewitness ‘Titanic’ (dewey 910.45) view & discuss = (v&d)
5: Mega DK Bites “Titanic Shipwrecks & Sunken Treasure’ (as above) v&d
6: DK ‘Story of The Titanic ’(as above) R/A
7: “Wrecks – The World’s Best Dives” White Star Publishers (as above) v&d
8: “The Atlas of Ship Wreck & Treasure” by Nigel Pickford (as above) **(to use some of the beautiful art work in here as ‘story starters’. The d/c to narrate a story from one of the paintings they like)
7: ‘The Children’s Atlas of Lost Treasure’ by Struan Reid (as above) v&d
8: Pull in ‘land’ archaeology as a quick early intro..
(‘Archaeologists Dig for Clues' Kate Duke (used in S/L 1) (dewey 930))
Went ‘treasure’ hunting at the beach. Visited Dolphins at Marine Land.
C: Dr Dolittle (lightly cvr Africa, &, The Zoo, Revisit slavery)
I was so tempted to craft a Dr Dolittle lapbook but decided it would be more economical time wise for me to just create lapnote pages for Jay and Daisy instead.
We listened to audio tape & used The Fantastic Flying Journey by Gerald Durrell as R/A (also using this as a geog reader now for DS with Core 2 )
(C/D read alongs for Daisy from lib)
- Norman the Lion by Laura Gates Galvin
- Ema The Rhinoceros by Chelsea Gillian Grey
Africa links
Review & new (animal babies for Daisy)
(play sound charades)
Cut & paste (read with Dr Seuss ABC)
More science notebooking cards to go with our Five in a Row tie-ins.
We add a brief story narration the d/c give on the back of each card and any additional facts Jay wants to add about each ‘creature’
Different pages for both DC
(Here are the others for those interested, need to preview as some animal double ups, some for younger d/c some for older d/c..
http://www.homeschoolshare.com/documents/curiousgeorgeplusACC.pdf http://www.homeschoolshare.com/documents/ACAlvah.pdf
For science notebook add the endangered (or rare) ‘animals’ mentioned in Dr Do.L, use these pages to put pictures and a brief description on the reverse.
Taken from this Zoo unit.
Jay likes this critters link.
Animals in SPANISH
We stick the appropriate animal into our Sonlight K L/As dictionary pages. (quick tip – I roughly glue-stick the entire back of the pages, leave to dry, then when the d/c cut the pages these squares (& this set) are easy to dampen & stick.)
Jay likes to use these to 'copy' these to draw his own pictures.
To save typing… copy & paste LA pieces for Bobbi from here into our handwriting program
(for mum)
List of the Dr. Dolittle books found here .
Other Picture books.
1: Heroes for Young Readers Mary Slessor; Courage in Africa & David Livingston; Courageous Explorer both by Renee Taft Meloche
2: Stories from Africa by SIM Missionaries
3: Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters – An African Tale by John Steptoe (great character lessons here)
4: Tom Feelings - I Saw Your Face text by Kwame Dawes (beautiful art work, inspires facial drawings. Comes complete with study map in the back *** tie art portion into art book below))
5: A few Aesop Fables
6: Going Home by Ann & Reg Cartwright (send post card to nana about our lastest module)
Five in a Row conversationally only.
7: Follow the Drinking Gourd by Jeanette Winter (slavery, refer to slaves in Egypt & the burning desire to be free)
8: The Drinking Gourd (early reader)
(Wonderful links here, mum get your singing voice on to accompany the midi file – our 2 loved the song. Started here and follow the audio file.
(An NZ astronomy site we star/planet gaze regularly as DH is an astronomy buff )
(Some bits n pieces from here I found interesting, we verbally mentioned some of this & also tied in the 3 wise men )
9: Heroes Tales pg 153 , Harriet Taubman
(next time around read Listen for the Whippoorwill – Trailblazer Book)
-Freedom from slavery xxOxx art idea listed below.
-Heroes Tales pg 93 Samuel Morris Africa
pg 59 David Livingston Africa
Aust & NZ legends about ‘lands’ & people
11: The Voyage of the Poppy Kettle by Robert Ingpen
12: The Fish of Maui by Peter Gossage
Little Golden Books
13: Theodore Mouse Goes to Sea by Michaela Muntean) exploring.
14: Tawny Scrawny Lion
15: A Lion Bite (David Livingston) by Peggy Wilber (www.Rocket Readers.com)
16: Run, Sam, Run (Samuel Morris) as above
17: Travels of Doctor Dolittle adapted by Al Perkins (I Can Read It Beginners book)
18: Dr. Seuss’ ABC (read to Daisy, Bobbi to read)
19: On Beyond Zebra by Dr Seuss
20: A Trip to the Zoo by Karen Wallace (DK Readers)
21: Stop! Stop! by Edith Thacher Hurd (Scholastic)
22: Put Me in the Zoo by Robert Lopshire
23: The Biggest by Nicole Irving (Usborne Simple Readers)
24: The Mixed-Up Chamelon by Eric Carle
Video~ Watch Auckland Zoo visit to Africa to get the lion cubs.
Art studies
25:A Childs Book of Art pg 50-51 (lets go by boat) pg 44-45 (Faces *** to tie in with Tom Feelings book above)
xxOxx art idea get children to pre-paint the background for a night sky (nature study first ask what colours make up the night sky (we live semi rural so do not have excessive amounts of light pollution) when nearly dry carefully paint the pattern of the drinking gourd in pale grey. When all dry place small fluro stars on the pattern = can be enjoyed day or night :-)
D:Five True Dog Stories (lightly as we’ve covered dogs in Herriot’s book)
Interesting facts for mum.
Quick You Tube visual.
1: Togo by Robert J. Blake
2: The Great Serum Race By Debbie S. Miller
3: Akiak by Robert J. Blake
Re-read these picture books
4: Angus & the Ducks by Marjorie Flack ( Five in a Row - go along )
5: Harry The Dirty Dog by Gene Zion ~ unit study
6: The Very Kind Rich Lady & Her One Hundred Dogs by Chinlun Lee
7: That Dog! by Nanette Newman
& First chapter (scholastic) books
8: Buddy – The First Seeing Eye Dog by Eva Moore
9: The Bad Puppy retold by Margo Lundell
10: Helping Paws Dogs that Serve by Melinda Luke
Readers for Daisy
11: Where’s Spot? by Eric Hill
12: Big Dog…. Little Dog by P.D. Eastman
13: Clifford the Big Red Dog by Norman N. Bridwell
Readers for Bobbi
14: Hairy Maclary from Donaldson Dairy by Lynley Dodds
15: The Digging-est Dog by Al Perkins
List of dog crafts More Paper Crafts
We printed out a picture of each type of dog in this book and placed them on our world map while we read each story.

Listen to Duncan – A Brave Rescue By Liam O’Donnell (c/d read along book from lib)
For next time:
16: Caesar - The Anzac Dog By Patricia Stroud (NZ tie-in)
Extra’s created by others True Dog Stories Lapbook & Iditarod Lapbook after we’d finished this book. :-0
E: In Grandma’s Attic (family history story themes)
Colour this quilt while we listen.
Make a list of fabrics used in G.A and go to the sewing shop to collect swatches. Other quilts paper crafts here.Visit museum for hoop skirt visual.
- A Day At The Fair (pic bk Arleta Richardson)
Listen to audio tape of The Little House in the Big Woods (draw attention to the stories Pa told Laura & Mary about his boyhood)
Recipes here for later.
Five in a Row - The Rag Coat choose a few units ( Dolly P sings us a song :-) )
Joseph’s technicolour coat – read Egermeier’s and create craft
Here … print out templates for each & then get photocopied to largest size using coat pieces as a pattern to cut coloured fabric from for coat then glue cloth onto 'cardstock Joseph'.
Usborne Bible Tales - Joseph & His Amazing Coat (Bobbi to read aloud)
Use template from here to make up own instructions for DC to follow – use all art mediums inc stickers, paint, pencils, pastels, stamps, thumb printing etc…
1. The Hundred Penny Box by Sharon Bell Mathis
2. Grandaddy’s Place by Helen V Griffith illust James Stevenson
2A. The Raft by Jim LaMarche (Five in a Row - do art section)
New Zealand tie-ins
3. Papa’s Island by Melanie Drewery (do map work & refer to history time line)
3A. Weaving Together by Dawn McMillan *** art & craft make small weaving loom as shown in the book.
4. Present from the Past by Jennifer Beck (map work England to NZ)
(we covered our immediate family hist from other countires to New Zealand & mapped the journey.
5: & read a few stories from one of our family’s history books.)
6A. Wee Gillis by Munroe Leaf (FIAR, geog- Scotland , L/A’s - family name, history - tartins)
6B. The Name of the Child by Marilynn Reynolds & Don Kilby discuss childrens names & meanings etc..
Do a single notebooking family page (# 13) from here
7. Continued reading the letter for the week from Nature’s Alphabet by Andrew Crow
( extra letter Uu cut outs or diminish size & use these cards. Letter Vv Our two like some things found here .
SEASONS real aloud for Daisy
8: Sophie and Nicky and the Four Seasons by Satomi Ichikawa
9: Pre-k science (weather) unit for Daisy using Thundercake by Patricia Polacco (seasons & Grandparent child tie-in read after Mabels cake baking episode)
(Copy work: enlarge pic to 200% have Jay copy the entire recipe into his recipe notebook & cutNpaste picture. Daisy to copy the title onto her daisy boardered recipe page from here (mum to read & write recipe) Daisy to cut & paste pict … then all bake the cake).
10: To Everything there is a Season by Leo & Diane Dillon (try & identify culture & time period of each pic, create one individual copywork sheet for both DC)
Science Read Aloud 11: Sunshine Makes the Seasons by Frankly M. Branley
Talk about seeds (Spring is coming)
To tie –in with Wild Places: Jungles pgs 38-89
12: A Seed is a Promise by Claire Merril (told out Gpa’s history with this book)
13: The Magic Bus Plants Seeds
Nursery rhymes & art
Study picture (for those interested left click on picture to follow link to other O.M.H art works or go straight to here
Print & cut the childrens ~favourite~ O.M.H pic from above & use ‘Start Write’ to do copywork sheet
Print Old Mother Hubbard on heavy paper and have DC use ‘water’ coloured pencils & brushes to complete.
F: James Herriot’s - Treasury for ChildrenNew link since our journey.
Make a farm page, paint a large page with WINTER sky’s (nature study – seasons below at #8) & green grass and once dry, cut out paint barn here
& animals here
Review family groups with s - NZ Farm Animals by Gwenda Turner (pre-k)
http://www.billybear4kids.com/worksheets/animals/baby.html animal family’s
Big Red Barn by Margaret Wise Brown (pre-k)
Eric Carle’s Animals Animals pgs 50-51, pg 21, pg 53, pg 84-85
First Thousand Word (Sticker Book) pgs 24-25
(Visit our Vet
Read I want to be.. A Veterinarian Harcourt (lib 636.089)
http://www.vet.uga.edu/vpp/animaldoc/index.php J
-Have to do something ‘Stevie’ http://www.wildlifewarriors.org.au/wildlife_hospital/recent_patients_archive.html
Watch a few episodes of The Crocodile Hunter rescues
- Also Auckland Zoo video with Richard checking out Bobby http://www.aucklandzoo.co.nz/education/richard_jakob_hoff.php
& Jeff’s farm again. Read these ..
Big Farm Machines by Pauline Cartwright (lib 631.3) -compare with manual labour in Farmer boy
Sheep Station by Philip Holden – NZ way (lib 636.3) )
For Jay: Sheep & large numbers. Write out all the units and subtract. The first Sheep were landed in New Zealand by Captain Cook in 1773. The Sheep population grew to 70.3 million in 1982 but has now declined to 43.1 million due to declining profits compared to other types of farming.
That represents 12 sheep for every person in New Zealand
-BlossomCOW craft – older d/c (Jay) For extra cow studies scroll down this link of bits & pieces to worksheets & colouring.
This link added later
- Moses kitten
-Oscar, Cat-About-Town
-Christmas Day Kitten
Cats ( bible notebook .. Moses tie in – create a collage type pic using ‘other’ materials, with this as a template )
1: Mrs Katz and Tush by Patricia Polacco
Enjoying our kittens & tie-in here & here
- Papa Piccolo by Carol Talley ( Geog – Venice ) Five in a Row- Picasso & Minou by P.I Maltbie & (Geog – France; Artists)
- Picasso and the Girl with the Ponytail
Then do ( friendly cat stand ) in Picasso ‘blues’
1a: Penny & Pocket by Gwenda Turner (NZ tie-in) pre-k
1b: ready-to-read for Jay (Ringo Saves the Day – Pets to the Rescue, A True Story by Andrew Clements)
-Only One Woof
-Market Square Dog
2: McDuff and the Baby by Rosemary Wells
2a: Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy by Lynley Dodd (NZ) Extras visit here
2b: Fergus the Farmyard Dog by Tony Maddox (Daisy’s onomatopoeia favourite)
2c: Angus Lost by Marjorie Flack (Before Five in a Row) more onomatopoeias
Ideas from here
** collie tie in @ #7
2d: Hairy Maclary’s Rumpus at The Vet by Lynley Dodd (pg 141) visit our vet in town ~ NZ flavour (do dictionary work with Jay - wary; cantankerous; bumbled; scampered; mournful
Older R/A ** collie tie in
7: Lassie Come-Home by Rosemary Wells illust by Susan Jeffers
7a: read a few stories (enjoy the lovely picts, referring to other types of dogs) from
7b: Album of Dogs by Marguerite Wells
8: Our chapter book the whole way through
Farmer Boy By L.I Wilder
Winter on The Farm (My First Little House Books) (Daisy)
Photocopy cvr pict of Almanzo and make this barn (CUT OUTS) for Daisy
Do milk & popcorn in the cup test
8a: All Pigs are Beautiful By Dick King-Smith (lib 636.4)
8b: Watch me grow – Farm Animals by DK (lib 636) pict & discussion with S
8c: SPANISH go thru names for farm animals.
8d: Prairie Friends by Nancy Smiler Levinson (An I Can Read bk) read to S
Discuss seasons
8e: The Reasons for Seasons by Gail Gibbons (lib 525)
8f: The Complete Book of Seasons by Sally Tagholm KINGFISHER (lib 525 )
8g: A Year on our Farm by Penny Matthews (good for NZ seasons compare with The Year on Maple Farm and work out with the children where our months would be in comparison, do a quick pict chart)
Other - compare Almanzo’s (then) & (now) below
8h: Finding Out about Everyday things (core c)
-Bread pgs 70-71 (make a loaf)
-Milk n Cheese pgs72-73
For Jay (since Diary land closed) SCIENCE make butter ‘experiment’
For Jay, Tie in with our Louis Pastuer book
8i: Wild Places (core c) pgs10-11
8j: Come Look with Me – Animals in Art pgs 16-17
8k: A Childrens Book of Art pgs 14-15 (leave open for review)
8l: The Berenstain Bears’ Science (for Daisy) pgs 26-29 & pgs 42-53
-Bonny’s Big Day
Clydesdale or draft Horses
9: Horsepower – The Wonder of Draft Horses by Cris Peterson (lib 636.1)
Plow horses (J & D to give narration from here )
-Smudge, The Little Lost Lamb
10: The Crippled Lamb by Max Lucado (compare the character of the 2 lambs)
Nursery rhymes
A: Little Bo-Peep Print craft
Little Boy Blue, come, blow your horn!
The sheep's in the meadow, the cow's in the corn.
Where's the little boy that looks after the sheep?
Under the haystack, fast asleep!
B: For D Paste first line into Startwrite (or here for those that don't have SW)
C: Maths craft identify shapes Daisy, & both, ruler work. Jay to add up total length of rectangles’s & then assemble craft & use for pict in L/A’s notebook - copy work (Jay), entire rhyme above, partially (Daisy).
D: Pre-k Memory match up (for Dasiy) only print ‘farm’ ones ( review words with Bobbi) E: Memory Animal Match up #2
F: Refer to some of the stories in Amy’s themed pre-k FARM module.
G: Phonics ‘fun’
H: Make a recording of the d/c narrating ‘DRAMATICALLY” their favourite ‘farm’ nursery rhyme.
I: Poetry (review in l/a notebooks)
Something Told the Wild Geese by Rachel Field
Jacky Frost by Laura E. Richards
(Historical Note for mum)
Laura E. Richards (1850-1943) was the daughter of Dr. Samuel Gridley Howe, founder of the Perkins School for the Blind, and Julia Ward Howe, social reformer and lyricist of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic." In 1871 she married Henry Richards (1848-1949; Harvard College A.B. 1871), architect and industrialist. In 1876 they moved to Gardiner, Maine for Henry to manage the family paper mills. Laura Richards wrote more than ninety works, mostly in the fields of children's literature and biography. One of her early publications was a book of nonsense verses, Sketches & scraps (1881) that was illustrated by her husband Henry. Laura Richards won the Pulitzer prize for Biography in 1917 with her sister Maude Howe Elliott, for Julia Ward Howe.
Sonlight Core K other books
Living Long Ago pgs 50-72 (Food & Eating)
The First Book of Nature pgs 26-48 (Trees) discuss seasons
Children’s Encyclopedia pgs 44-45 (trees) pgs 60-61
Lovely Kitten Christmas Unit study.
I may come back and share more in another post........
C: Maths craft identify shapes Daisy, & both, ruler work. Jay to add up total length of rectangles’s & then assemble craft & use for pict in L/A’s notebook - copy work (Jay), entire rhyme above, partially (Daisy).
D: Pre-k Memory match up (for Dasiy) only print ‘farm’ ones ( review words with Bobbi) E: Memory Animal Match up #2
F: Refer to some of the stories in Amy’s themed pre-k FARM module.
G: Phonics ‘fun’
H: Make a recording of the d/c narrating ‘DRAMATICALLY” their favourite ‘farm’ nursery rhyme.
I: Poetry (review in l/a notebooks)
Something Told the Wild Geese by Rachel Field
Jacky Frost by Laura E. Richards
(Historical Note for mum)
Laura E. Richards (1850-1943) was the daughter of Dr. Samuel Gridley Howe, founder of the Perkins School for the Blind, and Julia Ward Howe, social reformer and lyricist of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic." In 1871 she married Henry Richards (1848-1949; Harvard College A.B. 1871), architect and industrialist. In 1876 they moved to Gardiner, Maine for Henry to manage the family paper mills. Laura Richards wrote more than ninety works, mostly in the fields of children's literature and biography. One of her early publications was a book of nonsense verses, Sketches & scraps (1881) that was illustrated by her husband Henry. Laura Richards won the Pulitzer prize for Biography in 1917 with her sister Maude Howe Elliott, for Julia Ward Howe.
Sonlight Core K other books
Living Long Ago pgs 50-72 (Food & Eating)
The First Book of Nature pgs 26-48 (Trees) discuss seasons
Children’s Encyclopedia pgs 44-45 (trees) pgs 60-61
Lovely Kitten Christmas Unit study.
I may come back and share more in another post........