18 November 2015

Our Week Ahead ~ Monday 16th November 2015

I'll discuss turkeys before I post up our week ahead.
Petal's eggs.  Photo taken by Daisy
We've been waiting patiently for our turkey eggs to hatch; nothing doing as either the hens stayed off the nests too long, and/or none of the eggs were fertile.
Having chicks, of some sort, to care for over summer seems to have become family tradition...so Dn has procured some Royal Palm turkey eggs for us to hatch via the incubator :)
Royal Palm turkeys will be a first for us.

Our week ahead is the final wrapping up of:
Greenleaf's Early Modern Times Guide  (Jay really enjoyed using this!),
our last NZ history reading, for this year, out of The Story of New Zealand,
and the last scheduled history reading, and history reader for both children - after that it's 100% free reading choices for all of us. :D

We still have 2 weeks left of academics to complete and then I'll close our learning schedule completely for this year on Friday 4th December.
I'm already well on the way to organising 2016's schedule; but that is a whole different post and not one I'm in the mind frame to want to type up now. :D

·       Jay
History & Geography
1: The Story of New Zealand : Wars Between the Maoris & British p.83-105

Mapping: New Zealand (Online Game)
History, Literature, & Book Basket:
1: Book Basket:  
Practical Happiness ~ Schultz
Tom Brown’s School Days ~ Hughes (1830+)

2:  History Reading: 
Christian Men of Science ~ Mulfinger: Kevin 1824-1907
ITTC: Hawthorne:  The Scarlet Letter 1850 ~ Cowan

3:  Audio’s for this month: 
Mr. Midshipman Easy  ~ Marryat (1836)
Masterman Ready  ~ Marryat (1871)

1:  Greenleaf Guide: L23 Victorian Poets:  Tennyson – Charge of the Light Brigade,  Matthew Arnold (1822-1888)
2a:  Essentials in Writing, Level 10: S.2 L.9+  Mon to Thurs
3:  Timed writing with mum   Mon
Maths   IXL 
Science    Cosmos  Mon, Weds, Thurs, Frid
Languages  Rosetta Stone French   Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs

·       Daisy
History & Geography
1: The Story of New Zealand : Wars Between the Maoris & British p.83-105

Mapping: New Zealand (Online Game)
History, Literature, & Book Basket:
1: Book Basket:
Michael O’Halloran ~ Stratton-Porter  (1915)

2:  History Reading: 
Christian Men of Science ~ Mulfinger: Kevin 1824-1907
ITTC: Hawthorne:  The Scarlet Letter 1850 ~ Cowan

6:  Audio’s for this month:
Narnia Series J

1:  Essentials in Writing, Level 8:  L. 35+ Mon to Thurs
3:  Timed writing with mum   Mon

Maths    CTC Math  
Languages Rosetta Stone French   Mon, Tue , Wed, Thurs


Hippymama said...

Hi Chelle its nice to read a Kiwi blog....seems most are from the states.
I like your scheduling....how long did it take you to get this organised and get a good rhythm?
Just wondering is the book on Maori wars a text book or 'living'? I find there is such a lamentable lackof NZ living books on history, geography and natural history.
Im very interested in knowing the details of how Kiwi mums put together a CM style hs but i find that kiwis are lot more relaxed and not quite so outspoken in revealing the minutia of curriculum, scheduling etc
Just a question...we have decided not to pursue NCEA with our 4 kids....but do you know anyone in nz that has been writting out a transcript for their child/ren? Do yo think it is worth the time and hairpulling lol?
Anyway gonna check out the rest of your site.

reader19 said...

Royal Palm Turkeys---I had to search that one! They are quite regal looking. The sites I looked at had such good things to say about these super friendly birds. One picture had a Royal Palm standing beside a CAT! They said their turkeys will wander into their house if given the chance! Such great comments about their good nature! That will surely bring a lot of laughter and joy to your colony!

Thanks for sharing your critter news!
Thinking of you and praying for the items you mentioned!

Chelle said...

Hi Hippymama,
each year our scheduling takes me about 6 weeks to type up (off and on) though the lead up into setting up our schedule this way has evolved over the years.
Because we've eased into doing things this way, each new year I allow us 6-8wks to click the subjects/reading topics on. Slower & steadily is one of my mantra's for educating at home.

(We've never been CM purists :-D and the further on we get into our educating journey, I think we've become much more eclectic in our approach, and if asked to put choose just one approach as our main thrust, I'd probably title us as "literature based".)

The Story of New Zealand ( book which includes the Maori wars) is narrative non-fiction; not a text book, and makes for interesting reading for my children and me.

Transcripts? I guess it depends on what one is wanting them for. A University may, or may not, want a very detailed course of study?.
I like to keep a running 'transcript' of what the children are using/studying from the time they are 14 for their own records.
It's just a sheet of paper that lists out each subject area, course title, the items used, and the pass in that subject.
for Mathematics:
Course title & Resources: Khan Academy: Algebra and Beyond
Description: Online Math Course (& I attach the progress report to the back of this sheet)
Grades: Pass with distinction

Course: New Zealand National Standards Curriculum
Resources: IXL
Description: National Online Math Curriculum, Covering years 9-11 (with the reports attached to the back)
Grades: Pass with Distinction

(89% is a pass in our home at the bottom of each sheet lists this:

Grades are either Pass or Fail.
A Pass is equivalent to working at mastery level in each subject, completing assignments to a high standard and on time, to passing all term tests and exams with a minimium of an 89% pass rate. Includes orally tests, presentations, projects, and essays.)

Hope that helps some.
Enjoy the journey!!

Chelle said...

@ Tracy,
just think... you're getting dragged on long on this turkey raising adventure with us :)
We are really looking forward to raising this breed; as you've read, all the reports are favourable (& they are a smaller bird so will be softer on our property.)

Thank you Tracy, we appreciate you praying!!

Hippymama said...

Thanks for answering Chelle, that was really helpful.
Who is the author of Story of NZ?


Chelle said...

You're most welcome.
The Story of New Zealand ~ Basset/Sinclair/Stenson
IF you want to see the cover, which is always helpful for 2nd hand book sales :),
I've pasted a picture on this post: