11 May 2015

Our Week Ahead ~ 11th May 2015

This is our last week of scheduled learning before we take one of our term breaks.
We don't follow the State schools terms, as we do much better with a shorter scheduled learning run that has more breaks dispersed through it.  Unless we have visitors happen into our down-tools-and-rest space we only take one weeks break at the end of a 6 week 'schooling' run. 

·       Bible
All: II Timothy 

·       History and Geography
Biblioplan Ch 14:  Salem Witch Trials (1692) pgs 340-347
Witchcraft at Salem Village. Illustration by F.O.C. Darley,
William L. Shepard, or Granville Perkins. 1876. Public Domain.
·       Family
1:  Read Aloud:
(1643-1727)  Isaac Newton ~ Tiner 
Dn is enjoying reading this book to us as it makes for a good, God honouring, easy to listen to read aloud; however, since this book is written for younger students we'll be doing more, in depth, research ourselves using various other sources :)

Along with the research, we're also going to read through some of his quotes, listed here,  and select out quotes we like for copywork.
Jay and I are going to read this online excerpt about Newton's life out of the e.book 
Newton's Principia : The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy

We'll watch through a few clips of Isaac Newton on History
2:  Car time audio:  The Dairy of Samuel Pepys: BBC Dramatisation  Content issues!! We ended up dropping this the content issues just got worse :-p

·       Daisy ~ History, Literature and Book Basket:
1:  History Reading: 
 (1692) Madeleine Takes Command ~ Brill SL7
MOH vol 3, wk 27,  The Salem Witch Hunts

6:  Audio: Lorna Doone ~ R.D. Blackmore    (England. Monmouth’s Rebellion) 1673-87 (listen to and discuss with mum)       complete by the end of mid-term break

·       Jay ~ History, Literature and Book Basket:
1: Book Basket:
 1665  A Parcel of Patterns ~ Walsh SL
2: History Reading: 
MOH vol 3, wk 27,  The Salem Witch Hunts

3:  Audio: Lorna Doone ~ R.D. Blackmore        (England. Monmouth’s Rebellion) 1673-87 (listen to, and discuss with mum)     complete by the end of mid-term break

·       English
Timed writing together with mum.      (Tues & Weds)
Typing.  Either a narration from our history reading, or from your current reader  (due Weds)
PlayThe Crucible ~ Miller  (Audio    and   book )  with class discussion

purchased through audible
1:  Essentials in Writing, Level 8:  Lesson 10+
2:  RnS

1:  Greenleaf Guide Yr 3 Lit (1550-1900)  ~ Shearer
Lesson 9Andrew Marvell (1621-1672)
2:  Review Essentials in Writing, Level 8:  
Lesson 10  (Simile, Metaphor, Personification, & Hyperbole)
Lesson 11 (Using Imagery in Writing)

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