19 February 2013

Our Week Ahead ~ Feb 18th 2013

It's another short week in our home - which is pretty standard for us at this time every year and I'm looking forward to returning to full learning weeks without national holidays or our childrens birthdays (☺) diverting our attention towards days off and celebrations.
We've  (adjusted) our scheduled week accordingly below.

For the Week Ahead
KJV Genesis 12-21   (listen to, via audio bible)   and a  (few questions on Thursday) from GG to OTH
Victory Journey through the Bible;  pgs 18-25,  Abraham - Issac
BiblioPlan Companion Ancients Map - Abraham's Journeys
What the Bible is All About for Young Explorers pg 28 (Genesis)
Making Brothers & Sisters Best Friends (Character Study, Read Aloud) Continue. This book is not the most exciting read :-) but the content is creating some interesting spin off conversations in our home, and we're appreciating the topics the Malley young people have written about.

Math Bobs:
Khan Academy (continue) 
LOF, Elementary Physics (fun easy review with this new LOF book)

Math Daisy: 
Making Math Meaningful
Khan Academy (review) 
Life of Fred
Math Games

Language Arts Bobs:
Rod and Staff Grammar (2 lessons each day)
Review All About Spelling Rules.
work through dictation pieces with word lists 7&8 from Natural Speller
WWS1 (continue)
Reader: The Island of Sheep ~ Buchan (complete)
Read Aloud to family: Poetry Piece
Language Arts Daisy:
All About Spelling (Review & continue)
WWE (continue)
Rod n Staff Grammar (continue)
Reader: Elsie Dinsmore series (book basket selection)
Read Aloud to family, poetry from Favourite Poems Illustrated  ~ Helen Ferris

History & Geography 
Week 4 of Ancient History SchedulePolynesians, &, Abraham (select portions only)
Complete history sheet portion of Sumerians/Stonehenge from last week.
Random choice :-)

Chess for Bobs (online this week)
Perplexors D for Bobs
Perplexors B for Daisy

Other Language:
Visual Latin  delayed start until after mid-term break
Science & Nature:
Bobs to continue working on his perpetual motion machine
Photography of God's creatures & creation (All of us)
Delight led science for Daisy this term
Continue with our summer garden/ing study (we're starting to harvest our crops= pretty exciting!)

For the Term
Memorisation : (loaded on to their ipods as a play list and to be listened to in their own time)
Scripture: Isaiah 40: 25-31
Hymn: He Leadeth Me: O Blessed Thought
Review Grammar Songs - Both
Review Geography Songs: 7 Continents - Both
Multiplication Songs 6,7,8,9,12 times tables - Daisy

Gustav Holst via  Classical Composers Monthy    
Week 3 of 3 weeks    (planetary tie-in for creation/ancients)

Artist & Theme:
God & His Creation
(various mediums-  including real life,  and the beauty captured by a camera)

A lesson with Mark Kistler (Ancients)
Photography, in nature study time

Delight led projects with Dn for Bobs this term
Cupcake baking with Daisy  (Weds only)


reader19 said...

Just stopping by to say hello! I've been missing you! Praying for you each day and sending you a big hug!

Thinking of you!
Lots of love,

Chelle said...

@ Eliz & Tracy,
thanks for stopping by and leaving a note here!

Thanks for the love & prayers.