We do like to indulge in bouts of some very hands on episodes with our science/nature studies.
The current bout has been hand raising 2 dorper lambs who were just a few weeks old when they came to live in our backyard.
We're learning a ton.
The lambs, Clementine & Gemma, are wildly in love with our Bichon - who thinks we've brought these lambs home as friends for him! They are really sweet to watch playing together.
Here Leroy is waiting outside the gate to be let in after the children have feed the lambs their bottles☺
Below show pictures of Clementine & Gemma making their way into the house (!!) to get to where DH is making up their afternoon bottle - he'd left the door open since it was a sunnier winters day.
They have become very friendly and do make the best pets. These 2 are not for 'eating' (gasp. horror) they were purchased for breeding purposed ... we're hoping to eventually get lambs from them ....
YAY!!! Look at the cute lambs!!!
So cute! Thank you for posting them!!! Wow!
They are cute!
And they will follow you around like our Bichon does {grin}.
With Daisy it's a similar scenario to Mary had a little lamb, just with these two it's; Daisy has 2 dorpers .... and a Bichon.
Thanks Chelle for updating with earlier pics.
Your lambs really are cute!!!
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