If you enjoy IEW as your family's choice - please, just ignore this post .... use what works in your space and count yourself so blessed that you've found a writing tool that works for you.
I've found it best to not read opinion shopping posts when I've found a program, or learning tool, that is working for the children and I. Making Math Meaningful and Writing with Ease are non-changers for us - no opinion shopping for alternate tools to use in those two learning areas.
However, for those that are wanting to opinion shop for writing programs; read on ☻
I've been quietly looking and, just of late, asking other home instructors opinions on these two writing curricula as possible writing instruction to use with Daisy, later.

A few days back I read Janice in NJ's succinct and persuaive post which is penned in WWS favour. For Bobs, I'm now doubly sold on Writing With Skill.
I've pored over WWS free 20-week pdf and what Janice writes about WWS is bang on.
WWS may be instrumental in teaching me how to write also. Smile
I like the children and I to read, or have read, the fiction based books we are going to be studying from in a language arts curriculum. So I'm looking for a copy of The Pepins and Their Problems and will pull out our copy Wolves of Willoughby Chase.
Anyone out there read either of those two books? Your opinion in the comments section is welcomed!
One of my dear friends will be wanting a heads up about the Fairy Tales topics, a Wizard of Oz tie-in title and an E. Nesbit - Book of Dragons excerpt in WWS, so I'll add that detail here for others too. For anyone thinking about using WWS, you'll have no trouble switching those titles out for something else if you wanted to, Susan has placed the very clearest instructions in WWS.
Mrs. Bauer has included a good range of fiction and non-fiction literature to study from, with some of the science topics being nature study. Nice!
After going through all the literature selections we'll be using as our base for writing instruction, I'm really looking forward to Bobs (& I) using Writing with Skill in February 2012.
Institute for Excellence in Writing? Other than the samples I've looked through over at christian book dot com, I have not been able to locate anyone locally, whom I know, to be able to have a thorough look through an IRL IEW set; so I'm unable to comment on that aspect of Janice's review.
Who knows, WWS may be a good writing tool for Daisy too and I can just quietly forget needing (okay, wanting to) look through IEW.
One can but hope ☺
Hi Chelle,
You've probably noticed from my blog that we use IEW and love it. I was introduced to it when a friend had purchased the Teaching Writing Structure & Style dvds and offered for a few of us to share in the viewing. We really enjoyed it and it has given me confidence in using the dvds with the children.
However, I also LOVE Susan Wise Bauer's SOTW and First Language Lessons, and have also considered using Writing with Ease. I wouldn't hesitate using anything of Susan's!
We are using our IEW at the moment, but if you'd like me to send it to you to have a look at once we've finished, just send me an email :-)
Rachael that is a very sweet and kind offer (one which will make my DH groan!! lol).
Tempting offer ☺
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