This post focuses on the Language Arts portion of our schedule (the schedule can be found at the end of this post) since I find that area of homeschooling seems to get top heavy with extra, or busy, work if I'm not careful.
Since we just use CM methods and language arts skills the way it seems to suit us, I grab the texts I'm going to use (if any :-) ) and browse through the line up the authors have given for the teaching week along with the language arts skills covered , then I jot down an outline of how many times I'm hoping to get each method taught and what will we be using to do that - no point having copywork in bible, language arts, handwriting, science or history all in one day.
Or a day loaded fill with dictation exercises.

You can find our schedules over at hslaunch for the proposed weekly lessons in our language arts line up for 11 year old Bob's (J's Language arts) and for 9 year old Daisy:
HSlaunch Language Arts Schedule for 2011 (incs a blank schedule for others to use).
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