11 August 2010

The Versatile Blog Award

Thanks to Nadene of Practical Pages for the very nice, and totally unexpected (and much appreciated) blog award she gifted our way.
The rules that go with the award are:
1: Tell seven things about yourself.
2: Now pass the award on to other bloggers you think are worthy of the Versatile Blogger award.

I'll limit myself to choosing just 4 of the many wonderfully versatile blogs that are out & about:

1. Angelina of angelinainlouisiana creates a nice mix of classical and CM. I find her blog a great spot to 'idea collect' for possible “next’ curriculum choices.

2. Pop over to ournestof3 and take some time to browse there- lots of lovely scrapbook projects to see and some really helpful free Homeschool downloads scattered in amongst the posts. Great!

3. I enjoy Tiffany’s cooking blog – it’s visual (!!) and the food prep is easy.
Sometimes I do have to try & translate things over into Kiwi English so I can ‘get’ the recipes.

4. I’ve not long discovered this blog, havefun-livelife . Pop over and take a browse around, the author has her blog set up so nicely! Easy to naviagate and a real homeschool help spot. Love the visuals!

Now I’ll try to tackle what I think is the hardest portion of the award….

Seven things about myself:

1: I collect *beautiful* buttons as a hobby (thanks to my darling sister).

2: I’m the youngest of 10 children (God bless my poor marmee, LOL)

3. I was raised in a bible based home, but did not become a dedicated , practising christian until I was in my early 20’s.

4. I married at age 18, to a darling of a man - a Mr Steady/Mr Visionary blend.

5. We hosted our wedding during a cyclone (tail end) and have been blessed with a good, 'growing' marriage for 22 years (do the math for my age ~ grin ~ ).

6. God gifted us with 2 children after 12 years of aggressive infertility (homeschooling was a given for me, after that).

7. I enjoy *great* coffee, walking, &, books (!!!). & I loathe shopping (unless it's for books or buttons).


Tiffany @ Eat at Home said...

Thanks so much for the award! I'd love to see your kiwi English translations :-)

Nadene said...

So nice to read your 7! And I enjoyed discovering your list of versatile blogs too!

Have Fun - Live Life said...

Thank you for my award, I'm currrently reading through your blog posts, they are great, I love coming across another blogger :o)

Have Fun - Live Life said...
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