A Visual of How we Organise our Homeschool day.
Mum's folders.
The Workbox system looks great. All those containers loaded and ready to go. Here , Here or, Here are a few good places to start browsing for those interested to see more. Also for younger HS children maybe Here .
Homeschool Share now have a collection of wonderful things to add to workboxes, or in our case lesson folders
I'd love to have a go, but ... knowing me I'd end up tiring of it really quickly (blush) so we'll have to just continue our way, with modifications, thanks to the Sonlight moms who shared on the Sonlight Forums the way they are implimenting workboxes.
They've given me some great ideas to help make our day go more smoothly by realigning our folders to work almost like a workbox style system, just without the boxes.
We find working this way - with a really organised folder - along with our general daily schedule is helping the children to move ahead more smoothly to the next lesson and the children can see how much they have achieved and what is still left & I've taken to setting the folders up for the next day as soon as we have finished learning for that day.
Let's start detailing with pictures...
The first picture is my working folder with 1 days work in Homeschool Tracker+ schedule, on the left, and Sonlight's Core 2 schedule for the week on the right.
I place 6 weeks worth of Sonlight schedules in this folder (note the Sonlight tabs :-) )
The high lighting colour coding on Homeschool Tracker's schedule; Green - Bobbi's work, Blue - Daisy's, Yellow - our to do together extra's, Pink - Memorisation songs or pieces.

The yellow sticky note details what we need to do together before we open the folder further.
1. Bible with Mum (Sonlight's schedule )
2. Latin Songs
3. Geography Songs
4. Math Songs

Geography pages to colour and mark, or can be anything we've choosen to do with each country.
(My Homeschool Tracker + schedule shown in previous pictures above details the books and hands on things to do for each day - sticker map, markable map, etc.)

The Story of the World ( SOTW2 ) text and related activity guide are kept in my purple trolley. All the history activity pages for the week go in here and we pick and choose what we'd like to do.

Once she has finished the book/ worksheets the completed works is placed on the bench for Mum to mark and Dad to see once he gets home.

Otherwise the practice book is in there with page details or a sticky of a math game, or other, to enjoy.

There's that purple trolley :-) which lives tucked in under the childrens early childhood play table when we are not in learning mode and is full of the books I , or the children, need and use most days.
This box lives in the lounge right under the chore board and is where we listen to our memorisation pieces and the children can find the Sonlight , Singapore Math discs quickly.
I keep catagorised slip file folders on the sideboard fill of the pages we'll need to replenish our work folders.
In the very back of each childs working folder, in the clear pocket, goes the other items that are either current, or soon to be, art or lapnote projects which the children can pull out to do during read alouds.
This is my slim line clip folder, from the first few pictures, with all it's bit n pieces pulled out. It holds the weeks 'routine' schedule and the current Read Aloud, Reader notes and relevant Sonlight copywork pages.

The cupboard has extra books and folders on it that we need occassionally. Aand the 'fancy' cardboard box (have to get something visually nicer) houses hands on extras books and crafts which are sorted into themes.
All the felts, pencils, scissors etc.etc... we need to use live on that small table . They go back there every day!!!
One day Dad plans to build a 'something' for there that is better suited. This works for now.
(Our art supplies are kept in another purple trolley in the 'office' normally and are pulled out to live beside the small table on 'art' days.)

Like the system.
It is scary to see someone with almost the same curr as our family. TOG, AAS, Singapore, Startwrite, Italics, lap/notebooking, we even have the not so fancy 'box' and the purple trolley. I think I need to utilize the trolley. We are starting workboxes this year in an attempt to be more organized. I myself hate binders though and have succumbed to the magic of proclick.
Thanks for the proclick mention. Folders are so cumbersome & we've just purchased spiral bound notebooks to 'scrap' things into, but ...
& blushing just a little, the TOG bits n pieces you see here, are click on's to our main curric SL.
I'd 'love' to see what you're doing!!
I loved this post. One of my summer projects is pulling things together more for the coming year so that all the good resources I have don't get lost in the shuffle.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment :-)
And, happy Summer sorting - it seems to make the Winter months go more smoothly.
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