Homeschool Tracker + and Sonlight Core 2 with our Geography approach.
Using HST+ we’ve been able to customise a do-able daily schedule with the children using the items listed below & starting ‘it’ this year.
From past experience I know if it's not written down in the schedule to do, the items you want to add in for extra enjoyment do not tend to get done.
The list looks a lot at first glance but when it’s all loaded into HST+ and with the time frame of 15-18 months to complete it’s a comfortable amount for our family…. And is subject to change as we go along :-)
For Both Children
Sonlight Core 2 Read Alouds
History/Geog Spine:
SOTW 2 & Activity Book with most of
Using HST+ we’ve been able to customise a do-able daily schedule with the children using the items listed below & starting ‘it’ this year.
From past experience I know if it's not written down in the schedule to do, the items you want to add in for extra enjoyment do not tend to get done.
The list looks a lot at first glance but when it’s all loaded into HST+ and with the time frame of 15-18 months to complete it’s a comfortable amount for our family…. And is subject to change as we go along :-)
For Both Children
Sonlight Core 2 Read Alouds
History/Geog Spine:
SOTW 2 & Activity Book with most of
SL Core 2’s Hist/Geog books
SL’s markable map (pict beneath)
Relevant DvD’s, Audio Books & a few extra books
Relevant DvD’s, Audio Books & a few extra books

SL Core 2 Bible with The Gift of Values (for devotions)
Beautiful Feet – History of Science
pict beneath of the start of our notebook
(also watching The Inventors Specials DVD’s
Sonlight’s (Volume )2 Discover and Do DvD (used as a delight lead science hands-on elective in the afternoon)
Sonlight’s (Volume )2 Discover and Do DvD (used as a delight lead science hands-on elective in the afternoon)

Artistic Pursuits
Come & Look with Me Series (nearly finished & then ??)
SL’s The Story of the Orchestra (nearly finished & then we’ll start Stories of the Great Composers Bk 1)
Song School Latin
Autumn/Winter = Gymnastics
Self defense (late afternoon class)
For Bobbi:
Age 9 to 10.5
SL’s Copywork (a few pages to match SL’s readers)
SL Chapter Books - readers
Vocab= Wordly Wise
Other L/A’s:
Writing With Ease
Queen L/A’s
All About Spelling
Our own pieces (created with StartWrite)
Miquon (nearly completed & then??)
Speed Mathematics by Bill Handley
Murderous Maths books
Math-it (for drill)
Mathtacular 2 & 3 (&, board & computer learning for extra enjoyment)
SL’s Discover & Do DVD’s
Horrible Science & he likes to do lots of self directed study.
Music Lessons (DS continue with drums & has picked up violin.)
Chess Club (Monday nights)
Spring/Summer = Swimming & Badminton
For Daisy:
Age 7 to 8.5
History/Geog Spine:
SOTW 2 Activity Book (lots of it)
Adding in:
a few FIAR vol 3, &, 4 titles
Children of Many Lands by Dana Bruce & Elizabeth F. McCrady (Reader)
Include in geog notebooking pages paperdolls
SL readers
Vocab= ETC
Other L/A’s:
Writing With Ease
Queen L/A’s
Our own pieces (created with StartWrite)
Singapore Math (alternating with Miquon)
Rainbow Rock C/D (Singpaore Math)
Mathtacular 1& 2 (&, board & computer games for fun)
(listening in to, &, doing related colouring pages for) Beautiful Feet – H.o.S
Suzy’s World DvD’s (NZ series)
Music Lessons (violin)
Spring/Summer = Swimming
Then we wanted to add these next items in…..
With Geog we added in:
SL - Maps & Globes
Evan-Moor Giant Science Resource Book pgs 182-189
Geography from A to Z DD reader
(Both DC are doing vocabulary notebooking pages from here to go with this)
Usborne – Wild Places (from Core k) DS reader
SL - Geography songs (use generally as scheduled by SL)**
DK Children Just like Me
Wee Sing Around the World minus song 9
The Fantastic Flying Journey DS & mum to share reading for Geog R/A in evening .
** We made (& will make) adjustments to the Geography Songs C/D so that we are learning them as they are mostly, 'current & correct’ for our region of the world .
-Hands on items & extra enrichment books
SL’s world puzzle
Evan Moore World Ref Maps Pre-Selected pages
Around the World Coloring Book By Winky Adam
Monster mapping colour in activity DD – use our own maps
Klutz - String Games
Sticker Activity Book (Priddy)
World Sticker Atlas (match flags to correct country *see below*)
Animal Sticker Atlas (match animals to correct country)

DC to choose 4 hands on projects
Select other activities/downloads Kids of Courage (good tie-in for Window on the World )
Board games – alternate
-For NZ geog study (extra history books/crafts to be done with other readings of SOTW2)
Time line ref needed for mapping exercise
Kiwi Creatures Colouring & Conservation DD to colour DS to reference, all to read & notebook .
NZ blank regions map
Usborne – Wild Places (from Core k) DS reader
SL - Geography songs (use generally as scheduled by SL)**
DK Children Just like Me
Wee Sing Around the World minus song 9
The Fantastic Flying Journey DS & mum to share reading for Geog R/A in evening .
** We made (& will make) adjustments to the Geography Songs C/D so that we are learning them as they are mostly, 'current & correct’ for our region of the world .
-Hands on items & extra enrichment books
SL’s world puzzle
Evan Moore World Ref Maps Pre-Selected pages
Around the World Coloring Book By Winky Adam
Monster mapping colour in activity DD – use our own maps
Klutz - String Games
Sticker Activity Book (Priddy)
World Sticker Atlas (match flags to correct country *see below*)
Animal Sticker Atlas (match animals to correct country)

DC to choose 4 hands on projects
Select other activities/downloads Kids of Courage (good tie-in for Window on the World )
Board games – alternate
-For NZ geog study (extra history books/crafts to be done with other readings of SOTW2)
Time line ref needed for mapping exercise
Kiwi Creatures Colouring & Conservation DD to colour DS to reference, all to read & notebook .
NZ blank regions map
Loved seeing the necessary Burmese in the planning photos..every home school should have a personable annoying puddy join in for read alouds, step on the keyboard when planning, or insist on going inside or outside when school gets difficult. Nice to see another Kiwi in blog-space. Valda
Laughing & nodding at your comment, since we have 2 burmese and a Bichon who thinks he's a Burmese too ;-)
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