17 June 2015

Books ~ June 2015

I'll try to keep this list shorter -  maybe not ;) - as I have rather a small collection of titles to share.  I've been blessed with quite a few "new" books lately thanks, mostly, to a birthday and then a 2nd hand Red Cross book sale at the end of May.  I shan't list and drool over the Shakespeare collection book, or the lovely poetry titles, nor all the picture books; just love picture books!

Birthday Gifts :)
I'm looking forward to reading this gripping true story of a courageous missionary's faith, and of her remarkable triumph over the hardships of life in the New Guinea jungles and a Japanese internment camp.

I've been wanting to read this title for quite a while.  So happy to get it for my birthday!!

  •  The Enchanted World of Winnie-the-Pooh   Published by Dutton.
This is just a gorgeous book that some sweet friends purchased for me.  What they didn't know before they gifted it to me was that I'd stood in one of the books shop resisting the *want* to  purchase it :-) 
It's a indulgent read; interactive with lift the card features and filled of lovely illustrations and interesting facts that Winnie-the-Pooh lovers will enjoy; I am!
Click on the look inside button here

My darling husband purchased this for me.  It's a book I enjoyed poring over while we were staying at an East Coast beach home last year and we stumbled across this kiwi bestseller at a local bookshop. Yay!

2nd Hand Finds
I'll just link to bookdepository, where I can,  and toss in some pictures of the books we purchased; happily strapped for time elsewhere this week to want to spend extra moments photographing & uploading; so here goes:

After listening through the audio of this book, I'd been half hoping that I'd encounter a good 2nd hand copy somewhere :)   Recommend this title, especially to fine arts appreciators!

  • Crail Bay Farm ~ John Menzies  (NZ Title)
Menzies has written a true to life account of framing life , & wilderness life, in the Sounds ( New Zealand ).  It sounds like a humorous and engaging read.  Not 100% sure of all the content yet.

2nd Hand Picture Books
  • Quilting Now & Then ~ Karen Bates Willing & Julie Bates Dock
Even though I'm not a quilter, we have them amongst our family so I purchased this to put on the bookshelf, in our guest house, for the quilters to enjoy when they come to stay.  It details the history, and the techniques of quilting. Interesting!!

  • The Life & Times of the Giant Kauri ~ Dave Gunson  (NZ.   History & Picture Book)
This innovative tale follows the amazing four thousand year life story of Kairaru - the largest kauri tree ever to have been officially measured - and other super giants of New Zealand's northern forest, set against a fascinating timeline of national and international events; and accompanied by the finely detailed art work of Dave Gunson

I already had a copy of this book but it was rather beaten up - so nice to be blessed with a better copy. 
This is a gentle retelling of a real life incident during 1904 in Waihi.  The art work compliments the story beautifully.  
Dorothy Butler has crafted some sort after, wholesome, New Zealand picture books.

  • After The War ~ Bob Kerr  (NZ Picture Book)
New Zealanders, if you can get this book through your local library then do; it appears to be a simplistically styled picture book until we stopped and really studied the pictures - a Bob Kerr treasure detailing the changes in NZ lifestyle & landscape over the last 1/2 century!

  • The Red Poppy ~ David Hill  (NZ Picture Book)
Young soldier Jim McLeod waits in the trenches of WWI for the order to attack the enemy.  With him are his friends, and Nipper, the messenger dog.  When they charge across no-man's-land, Jim is shot... and finds himself face to face with an enemy soldier.  Offers a totally different slant to WWI, and the men, who fought in it.  Recommend!
This site lists teaching notes to go with the above book.

And I'll end this post by listing one of the titles that Daisy selected out  (so blessed to have a daughter that also shares a love of good books!); one of her finds was a favourite story,
The Reluctant Dragon ~ Kenneth Grahame, which contains gorgeous illustrations by Michael Hague like this one....

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