15 April 2012

Discontinued Sonlight Titles - Book list

Jill (Kentucky-US) has pored over more catalogs and helped us add, around, another 165 titles to the list. Thanks Jill!!
For the following years updated list post, 
click the discontinued sonlight titles tag in our labels list >> 

UPDATE: The pdf for 2012's file has been update to 2013's titles, which you are welcome to link to, share, or forward to whomever you wish, and can be now be found via our dropbox :
Discontinued Sonlight Titles - 2012 Book List . pdf
We have worked through the catalogues: 2001 Catalogue, and, 2004 to 2012 Catalogues, and a few lists, we had on hand. If I can ever get my hands on either of those elusive copies of 2002, and, 2003 Sonlight catalogues I'll up date any books we find 'dropped' in them. I'm proposing to update the list each year as changes are made, instead of just having dropped title notes scribbled all over the place.

For the new titles, check the post here for a list of 2012 book changes for Sonlight IG's.

And though the list is a familiar one for many W.T.M.ers, other discontinued SL titles can be found on Nicola's Sonlight Books Arranged by Well Trained Mind History Cycle post.

Also be sure to pop over to Brenda’s Pinterest to see the collection of visual pins, of discontinued Sonlight titles, she is creating for ‘on-liners’ benefit. She has plans to work on lists (pins) created from catalogs (US spelling) as far back as 1995.


Anonymous said...

The elusive NZ mum wants ya'll to know that Chelle did the lions share of that list.
Thanx doll.
E (-%

reader19 said...

Thank you very much for that list. I have been collecting the books for the upcoming cores; and unfortunately many of the books I've bought are on the discontinued list. I will probably still try to fit them in! Thanks for your hard work!

Chelle said...

@ reader19
From us, you're very welcome. Small grimace at the purchasing ahead of discontinueds ... hoping they are good titles, and easy to mesh in!
Looking forward to seeing what you do with Core E/4.
A small heads up too - Jill from Kentucky-USA, has pored over the catalogs she has and typed up a list for us to add, that's about 165 more titles.

@ E :D