I really enjoy being the last-in-line with an idea, topic or book since I then get to use the skilled work of other home educating moms/mums. A perfect example of me benefiting from being last-in-line is with our current use of Grammar-Land by M.L. Nesbitt.

For others, like us, hoping to do some written review with this book beneath are two options for free Grammar-Land worksheets:
These FREE grammer worksheets and games were created by Karen of God's Gem 4 Life. Nice job!
And these FREE grammar worksheets were created by Jessica of We Don't Need No Education. Really helpful and nicely crafted! Jessica has very thoughtfully placed her pages up on google documents since not everyone has success using scribd.
It's great being last-in-line :)
Kia ora,
I followed a link to your blog and have enjoyed browsing through your posts.
Our family have really enjoyed Grammarland over the past few years and recently found out it has been made into an audio book also. You may have the link already, but on the off-chance you don't then I hope this will be of use to you and your readers:
Thanks Maree for the link to the audio. That's a very helpful extra!
I'm totally with you! Being lat in line does have it's perks.
I haven't heard of this book before. I'm going to go check it out. Thanks for the heads up~ and for the visit to my blog!
Hi Connie,
Last in Line brings great blessing :).
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